
I don’t know. How do Australians deal with it?

Animal skin wingsuit and stone-throwing catapult!

Baseball is boring as fuck. I don’t know what you mean by “inability to connect to the world around them”, but I have a feeling you also yell things like “get off my lawn!”

My dad loves baseball and kept trying to get me to like it. I am thankful for no Internet when I brought a book to a Mets game and also gave dirty looks to cheering children.

See? THAT is how you respond to an Internet shaming.

As a former pill addict and from a family of alcoholics just shut up. We shouldn’t pander to your inability to control yourself.

Why don’t you just chill out? Maybe have a drink.

Remember, reviews—at Kotaku or otherwise—are written by a single person, not the website as a whole. I was enjoying Mad Max for the few hours that I played, too! We all have our own opinions about games. Plus, the site is not only what we’re interested but what our readers are interested in—it’s meant to reflect the

Glad I read the comments. It’s always a little puzzling when this small, pivotal bit of info is left out of articles.

It’s on Steam, with versions for Windows, Mac and Linux. I believe console versions are in the works.

Oh god you’re totally right!

Me reading this article: *please don’t be an American couple. Please don’t be an American couple.*

“What’s homo milk? Is this milk from GAY COWS?!” he demands, utterly* seriously, even angrily.

I have it on very good authority from Strawberry Shortcake that Blueberry Muffin’s vagina* does, in fact, taste like blueberry.

The price of this edition has been raised by 5600%, sorry guys

So....the Campaign’s worth 10 dollars?

They didn’t steal anything. You made an uninformed decision and gave them your money before it was wise to do so.

I would never be able to do this. The gaming community is terrifying.