
That was inspired by the much better oldboy hallway fight

The Raid , the brothers vs. That little dude or Oldboy halfway scene or Akira tetsuo vs keneida and laser cannon..agh so many

You’re right I should expect the worst from the best...stupid me

How do you not get excited when a director like Duncan Jones is at the helm of a massive movie like this? You are jaded my friend.

I want to agree with you but there is no way the joker would tatoo a bunch oh “ha ha’s” on himself..It makes zero sense. The guy is not supposed to know he’s crazy right? I don’t know. It just feels wrong.

I hope he does a feature..make Pixar look like south park

No it was worse than Superman Lives..the cheesy dialogue, the bad acting of said dialogue. The special effects were good though.

You mentioned Banjo Kazooie and my imagination went wild with an open world version collectathon. A mam can dream..

That’s a relief I was worried I’d have to carry my Gizmondo to work.

Yes it did, love that movie.

Isn’t this the plot of Michael Gondrys Science of Sleep?

Damn, was hoping for a Gamecube release..

How so? I had to get both consoles last gen cause of all the exclusives to each.. This game looks great but no ps4 for me so it’s a no go...maybe in 3 years I’ll buy it used with other titles I missed. For now, I guess they don’t need my money.

I haven’t played the game so I can’t speak for it but I love movies that leave you to imagine the end result. There are many films in this vein. Videogames should be allowed to do this as well. Mass Effect is a great example, the artists, had a vision and sadly had to change it because people in games are just not


I always wondered why my gf seems so desirable at times..this must he it. I’ll keep track of her cycles and confirm.

This isn’t Anderson’s thing, I just don’t see it happening.

Any word on a console update?


I believe epics games typically have diverse characters.