
I don't either Yoshida, I've been playing Bastion,Amnesia,Limbo,Lifeless Planet,Terraria,To the Moon etc.etc..none of these are bloody shooters btw

He's saying "look! look at my super hair gel..the does nothing!.."

Wait. wait. wait...Did you mean to say sausages? Cause I have to say man...I like it..I think I'll start using that.

They should pc release this thing

Why not?

I like this clueless

You're hired

well played sir.

Sure, run addon detector, you will find Flurry Analitics. A creepy spy program that tracks everything you do. The developer will not mention this. I bring it up because I find it hard to understand their stance on f2p when you pull crap like that. There were others I no longer recall.

Monument Valley, probably good. Full of spyware uninstalled it. Shame really.

Thanks for the laugh

I remember that feeling with Panzer Dragoon Orta, I sat outside gamestop until they opened. I miss that feeling, no man's sky get me excited but nothing like then.

kotaku community is awesome and informative, I just read some other crappy sites comment section and was disgusted

I work in Real Estate and agree

I think what he is really trying to say is how negligence on the part of world leaders is destroying the valuable to life resources produced by a healthy mother earth. Note the arm swings toward the camera are more informational than typical "party rap" arm swing, and the throwing of the bills , well that was way

That is a very useful piece of information. I thank you mam.

An issue I have with reading some novels, the covers. Yeah, I know don't judge ect... but how great can your book be when you have such bad taste in art? It's probably wrong but I can't help it.

Even in the recent cartoon movie, dvd thing, the justice league, clearly state "we need to take this fight out to sea" and that was a cartoon.....

I was going to buy a ps4 but now, I'm on the fence. Could go with xbox now, 100 halo maps sounds like never ending fun and phantom dust still feels like I dreamed the announcement. I love when studios take risks.

Except he kind of does look like him