I love that the image credits all say "Photo."
I love that the image credits all say "Photo."
And he's got to hold his tail up. That's a hassle right there. Imagine pooping in a train station bathroom and your tail touches the floor? Gross.
Something I thought was interesting and odd was that the movie immediately shows how intelligent Okja is, including fairly complicated reasoning skills and ability to communicate, but then NEVER delves into the ethics of eating an animal so intelligent. I mean, that's not the point that the movie is going for, but it…
At which precinct did she work?
As a pawn, you would only be able to run at the very beginning, and then your pace would slow to a walk. And no turning corners, either.
I'm done with Netflix Streaming. Cancelling it. Last month I signed up to have Netflix deliver Blu-Rays to my home, and even though due to time spent in the mail I can only manage four or so movies a month, at least they are four movies I actually want to see. In the whole list above, there is just one thing coming in…
It's good to know the answer is even more nonsensical than I could have imagined. Thanks.
That would be a great twist. As Mom sits on Death Row, she gets a letter sent by Henry the night of his death that reads, "This is what you get for being a shitty mom."
"Time to start thinking about which villainous actor to cast as the raccoon."
I have no interest in this movie except for that point. Does the movie address at all the fact that this genius plan of his would have his mother locked up in five minutes flat? I assume her alibi would have been that she was at the talent show, but really, shooting someone from your own backyard is a good ways away…
Would you believe that boom box can play MP3 files off of CD-Rs?
Eh, that was more the opposite of what I'm thinking—a sitcom reworking itself (and it's title) to accommodate the loss of one actor, rather than a sitcom remaining the same sitcom despite everyone being replaced gradually as it went.
I was thinking of that! It ended with still a few original cast members, and Dan Harmon back in the saddle, but it did change precipitously! I would have enjoyed more Jonathan Banks and Paget Brewster seasons.
Oh yes, good one!! Not a sitcom per se, but that is definitelya perfect example. I even remember how sad it was when the last original cast member wound up killing himself (in the show), cementing the changeover.
Your joke is extremely funny, but now I'm wondering if there actually has ever been a sitcom which, by the end of its run, had a completely different cast, premise, setting, and creative team than it had in the pilot. Completely replaced but for the title and theme song.
That's the thing about Rick and Morty—just as there is no shadow without light, you can't have Rick without Jerry. The whole point of the show is where Morty chooses to land on the Rick/Jerry spectrum. He's very Jerry-ish when we meet him, but he occasionally shows very scary Rick-like moments (like on the Purge…
I haven't been a Foo Fighters fan since the excellent first album, but I'm a huge Missi Pyle fan, so thumbs up from me!
And the unnamed woman stuck outside the bunker in 10 Cloverfield Lane!
"Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law."
Do you watch Orphan Black? Because some of the best scenes in that show are Tatiana Maslany (an amazing actress) portraying a character who is bad at acting. And she plays both the badly acting character and the other character who is being badly acted. It's mind bending!