Eric Shapiro

I'd be thrilled if Tyrion or another character joked about it next season. On screen, it might have come across as a bit too comical considering Tyrion's mood (although I have no doubt Dinklage would have pulled it off with a tone of bitter irony, a dark version of Tyrion's usual wit).

I couldn't tell Varys was on the boat either. Had to go on a message board to find out! Either it's the direction or Todd and I just aren't observant enough.

They'll have to find an excuse to give him screen time next season before Jon needs to enlist him.

Yes, I don't know who will support Jon as LC at this point, especially with Sam & Aemon gone. They could just sub in new sympathetic crows given that casual viewers probably didn't know the originals.

I've found Tormund likable and trustworth, but with too few scenes to make that clear to a casual audience and justify their big agreement. The writers will have a lot of time to kill next season given the shortage of book material, so maybe Jon and Tormund can bond then?

I like Tormund, but agree otherwise. Pyp and Edd was/is ok, but could have done with some more attention. Maybe they could have built up Jon's bros instead of wasting time on the Craster disaster and lots of other filler. Think Marsh will be on the show? We have room for some new NW characters now.

I'm not talking about specific "posts and videos," I'm talking about a trend. I didn't mean to imply that everyone who liked this episode falls into one group (I clarified that earlier, but I think in a different thread) but that doesn't mean that the creators didn't have a certain demographic in mind when they poured

I like Jon in the book but not in the show. People give Kit a lot of shit (heh) and yes, he's not the greatest actor (although he's improved a lot), but I think a lot of the problem also comes from the fact that so much of what makes Jon interesting happens internally. Tyrion, Dany etc are much more extroverted and

I agree that it wasn't emphasized, but I definitely recall Jeor briefly telling Jon the story of how Jorah disgraced himself and then returned the sword. Really wish Jeor gave his death speech about telling Jorah something (can't remember what). Would have been a good way to remind audience of relationship.

Yes to battle scenes, but those battle scenes should offer something unique, not just mayhem. The battle was well-done, so that's a point in the episode's favor. But I thought it was lacking in other areas. A battle can't be as satisfying without the rest of the package. Combine that with a bad, unnatural cliffhanger

I post in this comment section to discuss Game of Thrones episodes. I didn't like this episode and I'm explaining why. Why are you here?

It's possible to like how the battle played out in the book but not on the show.

I'm sure episode 10 will be both amazing and rushed. Soooo much to cover.

All of your populism is well and good until you actually read what I'm talking about. Go take a look at the comment section I mentioned and tell me that you haven't lost brain cells. There are good and bad comments on every website, but some GENERALLY attract more thoughtful commentary than others because they are

Agreed. The character bits were great. I for one love the Sam/Gilly romance. It's a lot better than his interactions with robot Jon. The action scenes were cool and would have been tolerable if this was not an hour of a season consisting of 10 hour-long episodes with far more hours worth of untouched material to cover.

I hope not, he's my favorite character at the Wall now haha

Jon obviously didn't put enough points into his direwolf skill.

Didn't Mormont tell the story way back in season 1? I miss the crow, but that would probably be expensive. Although, if they used some of the budget from this episode on a talking crow…

I have a lot of vices, but homoerotic slashfic is not among them. My biggest vice is responding to comments like yours in comments sections.

Oh absolutely. I'm criticizing this episode in comparison to other Game of Thrones episodes. A bad episode of Game of Thrones is still better than most of what's out there. I liked the Harry Potter movies and on some level even the Hobbit movies (LoTR fan, so I'm biased), but that's beside the point.