Eric Shapiro

Is this Roose Bolton's last appearance of the season? So much great material to mine: Ramsay's conception, Stark-Bolton history, leech baths galore. If the writers are saving it for season 5, no problem, but I hope they're not cutting it. He's one of my favorite characters and a great leading villain to step into the

The writers have a tendency to exclude/downplay certain character traits. For instance, I don't think Roose Bolton has ever mentioned leeches (I want a leech bath!)

I'd actually prefer to meet those characters for the first time next season. Something to look forward to (nooooo, how are there only two episodes left).

Could that be emotional? I like the ambiguity, assuming I'm not just reading too much into the scene.

Don't get me wrong, I like the scenes and I don't think they're just filler, as some people have said. But the scenes are at the EXPENSE of some important (not to mention some of my favorite characters) since we only have ten hours in a season and so little time in each location, Barristan and Jorah need to be

Out the Moon Door! That would be poetic, if predictable.

I found myself wondering if he was experiencing real sexual desire or responding emotionally to the absence of it.

True, but I think there was an emotional need as well. He needed to hear the Mountain say it for the sake of closure/catharsis. Emotions and planning working together.

Reminds me of all the Wedding references starting season 2 at the latest haha.

Anyone else find Jorah's exile underwhelming? The acting was great, but it seemed more like a narrative blip than a big moment. Jorah's really been neglected since season 2 and I that detracted from the emotional impact of the scene. Plus, Dany seemed more angry than hurt. The Gray Worm scenes would be fine if we had

Everything makes sense except seeing a reaction from Dorne; they haven't picked any actors and would not have a whole new location just for one scene.

Really not feeling scenes at the Wall. Did we really need to see another Wildling massacre? Why not devote that time to developing Tormund and Ygritte? Why waste the phenomenal Rose Leslie's screentime on massacring villagers? Why not make Tormund something other than a broadly-drawn cliche?

It's way too early to compare the Americans to Breaking Bad; it's impossible to tell whether it is at its peak now or whether it will get better. If Breaking Bad peaked in the middle of season 2 I wouldn't consider it one of the greatest shows ever. The Americans is one of the best shows on TV at the moment, but lets