Eric Roe

Finally! My wish fulfilled! I have been hoping beyond hope, since shortly after 'Rose' aired, for the return of real, actual Mondas Cybermen. Not Cybus Cybermen; preferably not the Cybus-Cybermen-but-without-the-'C'-on-the-chest Cybermen; real, honest-to-goodness Mondas/Telos.Cybermen. That they are the original

Deborah Watling may be the best looking companion of the entire classic series.

Brian Heidek was a recruit? From where? The Skinemax movies he made with his wife?

I don't remember where I read it (perhaps in one of these reviews, I don't know), but someone put forth the theory that, since R2-D2 was kind of like the family dog, then Chopper is a cat.
That would explain soooooo very much.

"Kevin Costner Plays Against Type"
So he acts in this movie rather than resembling a lobotomized Steven Segal?

"He choked on vomit. Only it wasn't his vomit."

"You can't really dust for vomit, can you?"

I for one enjoyed seeing Alex Kingston interacting with a Doctor played by an actor closer to her own age. Her entire arc acting opposite Matt Smith had a vaguely creepy feel to it because of the large difference in their ages.

Patricide does kinda force you off the slippery slope, doesn't it? He seemed pretty unhinged before that; imane how psychotic he could be by the next movie.

Just a throwaway bit of otherwise needless exposition would be enough to clarify what organization is what and how they trelate to each other. Leia could have spent 30 seconds explaining it to Rey and that was all that needed to be done. Anything much more than that and you have another Episode I on your hands.

Some slightly more coherent thoughts (with spoilers):
1. Were we supposed to care about the planet(s) that the First Order destroyed? Blowing up an nunnamed and previously unmentioned planet with a screen full of anonymous extras and expecting the audience to care about them is a little odd.
2. The superweapon- The

Some non-spoilery thoughts:

Narrowly edging out Tyson voting himself out.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the last Saturday of the month has come and gone with no Armageddon Factor. I realize the column is ending soon but you'd think the nice people here at AVClub could at least try to get Christopher's final three columns up in something resembling a timely fashion.

Glad to see I'm not the only one who immediately thought of Spockumentary.

I don't know if she ever became 'huge' but in 1988 I saw Tracy Chapman open for 10,000 Maniacs. She was supporting her debut album and to this day is the only opening act I have ever seen come out for an encore. Eventually she said to us, "This is my last song. I have to be done after I sing it."

Here's how I always saw it: in 1999 Kevin Spacey won (deservedly) for American Beauty, beating out both Denzel (The Hurricane) and Russell Crowe (The Insider). So in 2000, Russell Crowe won his makeup Oscar for Gladiator and in 2001 Denzel won HIS makeup Oscar for Training Day, coincidentally beating Russell Crowe,

100 comments in, this may be the first sort-of serious one: scripted and cast properly, this could be great. I remember in the late 90s/early 00s, George Clooney spearheaded a live airing of 'Failsafe' and it was terrific.

Hill Street Blues. Possibly the best cop show ever and one of the greatest theme songs ever composed.

No mention of "Judoon platoon upon the moon"? A line written specifically to mess with David Tennant because he had a lot of trouble making the 'oo' sound while keeping his fake Estuary accent.

Terms of Endearment. Full stop.