
So I wasn't the only one to notice the sour looks on the faces of libertarian douchebag Vince Vaughn and apocalyptic Catholic fundamentalist Mel Gibson as they listened to the most respected person in the room spank their boy Trump, completely powerless to do anything about it.

"(C)omplaining about the
refereeing, blaming it for a team’s misfortunes, and even crafting
conspiracies is dumb. And it’s a great way of announcing “Hey, everyone. I’ve never played a sport on a high level before! And I regularly blame my failures on other people!”

You beat me to it, Ray. If Jack Kelly had been around in the 1860s, for sure he'd have been fighting on the Confederate side.

"Fudd? Didn't they stop making that years ago when all those hillbillies went blind?"

It's not a blog. It's an electronic version of a story that originally appeared in an ancient manuscript once commonly known as a "newspaper."

This is completely off topic, but I had to give a shout-out to Great Boos Up for the "Blackadder" reference.

I'll have to go with the Photoshop trope listed by Mike Vago. As a cops-and-courts newspaper reporter, I can't stay with a story that doesn't have realistic forensics. For me, the entire CSI franchise is a comedy (NCIS is only a little better because the main characters are more likeable).