Eric Pharand

"Lena, this is Oliver Queen, former CEO of Queen Consolidated, Ray Palmer, former CEO of Palmer Tech, Felicity Smoak, former CEO of Palmer Tech, and Barry Allen…he owns a chain of research labs."

Just ignore the non-xover stuff.

Eric the Cube is Affably Evil (probably).

Anti-semite: "A person who discriminates and/or is prejudicial against Jewish people."
[picture of Mel Gibson]

"I'm an agent of the CIA and I love a good vanilla chai latte and scone. Picked up a taste for it when I was stationed in London."

Synthetic intelligence.

*whisper* "loooossseeerrrr"

People of Earth (TBS, 10:30 pm)

I thought it was an alternate history British North America at the beginning of the first episode but I quickly realized it was set in Toronto.

If Roiland dies from a dipping sauce related illness, we can swap in a Roiland from another dimension!

I'm sure Pickle will be a great Chief of Staff.

"Eh - as long as you're consenting adults, do what you want."

Wait, Ali is on Comrade Detective and True Detective! What a country!

Yes, the risk of bankruptcy.

"Chernobyl will be voiced by Yakov Smirnoff". "Voiced?" "Oh yeah, it's animated"
"In Soviet Ukraine, you set off geiger counters"

Well yeah - everyone is related to everyone else.

Native American settlements, nuclear test sites and Area 51.

That was some class A trolling at the end :)

How about an all-woman Legends team?

Fuck you palm cutting series!