Eric Pharand


The Complete Poems, Yeats
Three Kingdoms, Welcome the Tiger

Catherine's face after Richard says butterscotch
Miss Tanz is a good addition.

Cathy Anne should be The Girl You Wish's mother.

Uneven. It peaks mid-Season 3.


I'd watch a supertrain cable series.

I have it on my to-read pile. I didn't know he was adapting it.

APB was "What if Finch bought a police force?"

Should have called it The Greenfile.

Hawley should make a time-travel + Fargo series right?

APB is fine for the first 7 episodes and then becomes less sensical then a time travel/comic book tv series.

Besides traffic, why wouldn't you just drive to Vegas?

Not So Timeless

Rhea (to Mon-El)"You wouldn't kill your mother would you?" Lena: "I never knew my biological mother, my adoptive mother-well you know and now you-yes, yes I would" *double shots ring out*

Mascot Selfie is a delight.

I'd probably go with PTSD for Catherine's laughter.

Dan in bronzer-face as he talks about Rwanda.

Correction: Many politicians are not actual vampires.

Cheyenne's hysterical laughter
'Final Countdown'
The Shopping Channel still playing.