Well, that was terrible.
The Concrete Jungle, Stross
Recluce Tales, Modesitt
Fox sighting inspires Trump to switch to Firefox
Please let Trump be an elaborate prank!
Superstore and Powerless shared universe!
Castle Rock sounds like a metal band.
I'd rather bow than shake hands.
Margaret Shlegel has her mind switched with Margaret "Peggy" Carter by the bad guy? from Doctor Strange (I haven't seen it).
Where's my Clark Ashton Smith anthology series?
"Hey Viraj, I make the creepy comments around here."
I said Live Die Repeat.
Zero Light Forever
2018: Cybernetic limbs are much cheaper to maintain than organic ones now that the Unaffordable Care Act (Trumpcare) is in force.
Last year I figured that Superstore is like Purgatory then I thought all sitcoms are basically purgatory.
"I was murdered"
"I was involuntarily manslaughtered by Harrison Ford"
"I am so jealous"
He was made a lieutenant in the first ep, later he was demoted to ensign then promoted to lieutenant again.
"All Luthors are evil. That's a fact".
"Lena saved the aliens".
"Lena did it,look there's video".
"There's shapeshifting aliens and hackers and-"
"Okay, okay Kara, there's definitely as much reason to doubt the-"
"Thaaaank you!!!"
Very poor. Recycled plot. Characters are slaved to the plot. I do like that Lena is long conning being "evil" or being "good" or being "neutral".