Thank you for the tips, Beanloaf!
Thank you for the tips, Beanloaf!
I love everything about Helena Bonham Carter, from her name to her scenery eating. She was the best thing about Fight Club, for sure! I myself am a “plain Jane” but I have sympathized with Ms. Carter’s struggles to avoid entering the “Driving Miss Daisy” stage of her career before she is dragged kicking and screaming…
Yeah, this is all about managing expectations. McConnell et. al. are doing their best to make it seem normal that they’re not going to do their jobs, and Obama is just making it clear that the expectation is that they will. Establish the idea that the Senate is supposed to at least give the nominees a vote, and…
nick lachey!!!
Oh yeah?!? Well I am 4’11” and 5 million pounds. BOW BEFORE ME
Idris Elba should be in everything.
The character in the book was 39.
Maybe she just really likes superoxide radicals.
Or this is just some cover for a weird science thing where all the boys get together to make Kelly LeBrock.
Taking a page out of that Obummer fella’s handbook, I see. Why does she have time to type a thing on a social media when there are terrorists (the brown kind) trying to make America spanish! No guns and kids can only read books where princesses marry princesses. And that’s if we’re lucky. If she wants my vote, she’ll…
Speaking from a career of selling photographs on behalf of photographers who regularly shoot famous people:
Is it ok to be against rape but still think this sucks
It starts strong and fizzles out a bit towards the end. But if you’re looking for something to binge watch over a weekend or while you’re doing your nails or something it’s pretty satisfying.
Hysterical men! What’s next? Feisty men? Nebbish African-Americans? Stoic women?
Exactly. The age demographic is way too narrow to generalize from, I think. I dated a Very Attractive Man a couple of years ago, and was rejected (no surprise, he was “looking for someone younger” who he could “guide” and “teach”; so that would never have worked out, but man was he hot...) But I had already had one…
He has the perfect villain name. I keep thinking he's a low-end men's cologne from the 80's.
But they show him flying into the Marseilles airport at the end. But maybe I missed a scene after that where he goes to Portugal?