
Excellent quotation. Thanks for sharing! Copyright laws have been abused in the United States by the likes of RIAA and the MPAA. With millions of dollars in funding, and the support of corporate lawyers with no moral compass, people can be made destitute for the simple act of copying material for personal use - not a

Just about everyone uses the internet to download movies and TV shows for personal use. The reason it is not stealing and not piracy is because no money is lost to the producer, and no money is made by the acquirer. It has been shown from numerous studies that the majority of people who download material were not

Piracy has historically referred to those who copy movies directly from the VHS, DVD or Blu-Ray, and then reproduce it as if it was the original, and then sell it for profit. You sometimes see these sold by vendors on the streets of large cities, and most certainly in China. But downloading a movie or TV show to watch