
I made it through the first part of The Sound and the Fury for maybe the third time? I WILL be finishing before New Year's even if it kills me.

I don't like to be the voice of dissent, but I felt like the Scream Queens universe finally clicked for me in these episodes. They threw all caution to the wind in favor of a universe where finger pointing takes the place of evidence, where no logic can stand up against the voice that shouts the loudest. Apt social

Did anyone else think the AIDS joke was kind of a faux pas on the show's part? Or am I just too sensitive?

I'm rather suspect of Kevin's charms here. Sure, he seems like a good guy, and maybe he isn't deliberately trying to hurt Patrick, but he has a boyfriend. This won't end well for anybody. If denial was a man, they would certainly all be screwing him because they are IN denial.

Honestly that felt a lot like watching real life. Yikes! Don't know what that says about me, or maybe it's best if I don't think too deeply into it.

I liked the conversation Lena Dunham (Hannah, whatever) had with her parents.
"Is it normal to want to think about suicide when you move to a new place?"
"Oh yeah, that's normal, like thinking about dropping a baby when you're holding it."
Hilarious insouciance…

I'm so jealous of people who can use denial as an effective coping mechanism. I feel like whenever there's something wrong with me, my mind just focuses on it and all I see is that one flaw.


I really want Khan to be Carrie's new boyfriend. He's dashing as hell. I just worry that his pretty face will end up being blown off her given her relationship history.

I was totally into Carrie's hallucination breakdown. It reminded me a little of Black Swan.

I am obsessed with Lena Dunham and have always been insanely jealous of her. Now I know it's okay, everyone else is too. Still, I wish she would examine her privilege and wealth a little more the way she does with sex, friendship, etc. As someone also white and economically privileged, I know I was dealt a much better

It IS kind of awkward that Kenya was killed like that. She was around for like…seven seasons. And then she died by getting a rifle shoved through her.

Eh I thought this episode was okay. Probably a B- since there were lots of vampire explosion scenes and some fun gratuitous violence (like that evil wannabe mayor getting stabbed in the head). And why the fuck did everyone move so slowly when Arlene was one drip of blood away from death? It was like, use your goddamn