Black Cesar

T-Dog forever, motherfuckers!

Everybody here gets a like. Except the ones that don't.

He's Cutty, damn it!

It's like the plot of the Producers.

I'll eat Brenda Song. What? TMI?

Seth Green is at most times mugging-funny. Therefore, most of the time, he ain't funny.

There are people that never watched All In The Family? What the fuck is wrong with you?

You don't beat the giant wang, it beats you.


Damn, you beat me to it. And that's "Mr Asshole" to you.

I think the lesson is "don't talk shit when you're drunk"

Loki cut off Sif's golden hair.When Thor said fix this or get a hammer where the Sun don't shine,Loki went to some trolls (or was it elfs?) to get replacement hair. Loki, being the cheap bastard he is, stole the hair without paying for it. As soon as the hair was placed on Sif's head, it turned black. Loki thought

It should been Samuel Jackson in that role instead.

@Factfindingmission, Loki cut off Sif's golden hair.When Thor said fix this or get a hammer where the Sun don't shine,Loki went to some trolls (or was it elfs?) to get replacement hair. Loki, being the cheap bastard he is, stole the hair without paying for it. As soon as the hair was placed on Sif's head, it turned

Well, after you see the film, come back and let us know if it met your high standards.

Yeah. Even back then, it was Obama's fault.

I used Metal for my personal mixtapes. The mixtapes I made for other people were the CrO2s. (I used to buy both types of these tapes by the box load) If they wanted Metal tapes, they had to pay more for them.

CrO2 / Metal cassettes or GTFO

My favorite drum intro is this…

The only thing I was disturbed by was the mutant bear. What if the bear's visor came off? People would have been killed by the bear's mighty optic blasts.