
“Your call cannot be completed because your fingers are too fat, to obtain a special dialing wand please mash the keypad with your palm.” Such a classic

Goddammit you’re back?


I think if it was a private ballot, no way it passes.

This is on every post about this story but I still starred it.


Look in the comments for whiny little shits like yourself.

Doesn’t apply. He already spawned.

I’ll check into it. Probably won’t be able to on my work laptop though. I used to be able to waste at least 2-3 hours at work on Gawker sites, but now it’s down to like 1 tops. It’s brutal. People are starting to talk about my increased productivity.

This!! The few times I’ve visited, I’ve seen some really interesting content, but yeah, can’t get past that layout.

They get higher draft picks


Order history isn’t working

At least he’ll always have the underwear...

Ooooh name-brand Hamburger Helper and not store-brand Panburger Partner?? Fancy!

Uh 2017 minus 2016 is one year. It’s simple maths

Porn. It’s porn.

Oh yeah I’m sure it’s all going to the kids

I mean even from the Wiki page it’s pretty obvious these guys weren’t completely innocent...

As a fellow lifelong Cowboys fan and current Houston resident, this is also my ultimate fantasy.