
And they always scamper away when you ask

I would read that.

You have no courage.

Yeah and that’s why he fucking loses.

I can change it with an app on my phone now

Oh god just imagine the takes.

Kluwe is that you?

Oh god they are the worst. The HEB guy makes it even dumber

At least they still have a presence in other team’s parks


Did Craig James really kill 5 hookers while at SMU?

Oh this is good.

I guess that depends on the state and your lawyers. I have a friend serving 7 years for that

Same thing the moms of all the other Rougneds in his family. There's like 3 of em

How about Enron Field before it became the Juice Box

Dude they just forward that shit right to the bitch.

Have you seen his wife?

It’s so strange that you say you couldn’t form a long train of thought. It’s the complete opposite for me. I can dwell on random mundane shit for several minutes. Are you extroverted? Type A personality? Narcissistic-sociopathic tendencies? My ex-wife had all of those in spades and she never liked it.

I have never felt more pity for someone than I feel for you.