
The minor league team probably has a nicer stadium.

You beat me to it


So is trying to take out someone’s motherfucking legs like a little bitch

Not a fan of violence, but jesus christ it felt good seeing that after the dagger through the heart and bat flip by Bautista last year

Are you getting paid per stupid fucking comment?

For real. Can't believe that pussy didn't even try to steer around it.

What a fag

This one trick will surprise you!

Read. The. Article.

Frazier’s manager has some experience getting his head busted up.

I thought so too, and then I read the article where it explicitly says that.

Here’s a guy who doesn’t like Jon Gruden.

Red flag!

It’s funny cuz he’s an addict. Got it!

More like spanko de mayo amiright?

If you were really an Aggie, you would have said Texas University

Well that has literally never happened to me, so if you are at a bar that has no data coverage, perhaps an Uber vs Taxi debate is not your most pressing priority.

Oh well I’m an adult and have learned how to always have my battery amply charged so I did not consider that situation.

From your house? Also you said “CALL”. It is 2016. No one needs to call anyone for anything. To use Uber, you tap “request uber” then when one accepts, you see their exact location overlaid on a map, with an ETA. Then you get in, have a conversation with a usually interesting person, and get out at your destination,