

I mean I kind of agree. Did you see the caption though? I looked at it just now, and it says it’s a photo from a pub in London. I just assumed it was photoshopped.

U mad bro?

Yogurt gets rid of gas cuz of probiotics or gut health or something. It did for my dog anyway.

Probably not, but we’ll never know because they have no way of tracking that because they are fucking old and outdated. But baaaaaaad Uber!!!

I really dislike ESPN, but on what grounds?

Put away that gotdang videyuh game


Please buy our crap!

Not if it has been powered off/on or touched multiple times by the wrong finger. Whenever my toddler handles my phone, I usually have to enter my passcode instead of using TouchID.

Many many people have already done what Kanye does.

I’m thinking his assignment was to write a post trashing every candidate as they drop out, and he had to stretch on this one because he secretly looooooves Rand Paul.

Be careful bruh. I heard that tin foil hats can give you brain tumors.

I was raised around rampant belief of conspiracy theories, so I’m pretty much immune to them now. However, my stepson’s dad is a truther and believes all kinds of other nutty things. It makes me sad when i see the influence he has on my stepson and I hope but don’t look forward to the day when I can hopefully set him

Episodes on Showtime. It's criminally underrated

+1 Bullet

I almost choked on my sunflower seeds

You are a horrible person with no joy in your life.

I actually really liked him as an official, but I think he's god awful on TV

This is a weird comment