Eric Lyden

But then she'd return to Black-ish a couple years later after sowing her oats.

I think you're putting way too much thought into this.

Yeah, Womp it Up! comes across as podcast that just takes place in a very strange high school.

Yeah, even if you don't like Wompler (and I was sick of her for a bit, but it's been long enough that I've been hoping for a return) she is great. Her episodes of Improv 4 Humans (with Lennon and Jason Manzoukas) were great.

Yeah, fans have been wondering why they didn't have her annual birthday party on CBB. I do hope she can make her return soon. At the very least to hype season 3.

I mean, if Marvel Studios was going to have a bomb it would have been GotG so I kind of can't blame them for being wary, but even a Marvel Studios bomb would have been a pretty big deal.

And his promo style (and character in general) were absolutely nothing like Drax so he's actually acting.

Yeah, I can't blame Batista at all. And I wouldn't be too shocked if he'd work with HHH just because he knows if he's involved they'd be less likely to have Vince interfere in their storyline. Not that it'd be any good.

Yeah, she could be a great comedy performer, but she herself wasn't funny.

My mom will deny it today, but she was a fan of the syndicated Mama's Family.

To be fair Ball did a lot more physical comedy than they did which is a lot more likely to be hindered by age.

Is that the one where Tim Meadows walks in and says "I can't help your baby, but I can do the robot" and then proceeded to do the robot?

A good ep? Like the time Omar and Mike took out the trash?

Until this episode I didn't realize that Cake Boss sounds a lot like Gino.

I do kind of like it when the guests come and go as the show goes on to keep it from getting too crowded. Here the guests came, but hardly any of them left. But I still enjoyed it. Best episode in a while.

Bone as in the character played by Andrew Koenig on Growing Pains minus the R and queef as in pussy fart.

Hard? No. Worth the effort? Also no.

It can be two things. Shit, they had 40 years and they still can't find another Asian guy.

If only he explained who he was in the monologue…

I hate that one LCD Soundsystem guy wearing the kufi. He can go fuck.