Eric Lyden

Burger Boys.

It was worth it just for hearing about the actor who had his real name tattooed on his shoulder and no one bothered to cover it up.

I guess I respect his honesty.

And to paraphrase Grant Morrison from ANIMAL MAN- "God help us if that's what it really means."

At least with the TV show we can just pretend this takes place on Earth 7 or something.

Yeah, at this point we're the idiots for continuing to see these movies.

Do they really even need to go with the "dad falsely accused of mruder" thing? The TV show covered it fairly well and it's a fairly new addition to the mythos. It's already going to be a struggle to not cover ground not tackled in the show, why seek it out?

If DC wants a lot of good will from the comic book fans they'll have a huge "Darkseid and the Fourth World created by Jack Kirby" bit in the credits. Won't help if the movie stinks, but it'll help with the good will if it's at least OK.

It definitely reads like an eighties Marvel comic with all the strengths and flaws that come with that style. When I read it awhile back I was struck by how much actually happened each issue. With today's pacing each issue would take at least four issues to tell the story.

He was doing Spectacular at the same time McFarlane was doing Amazing and to a dumb kid at the time (as I was) it paled in comparison. As an adult… I was stupid. Take nothing away from McFarlane,but in terms of actually telling a story you couldn't beat Sal. I almost want to apologize for ever thinking Todd was better.

Didn't they have some sort of "Fan Favorite" poll after Heroes vs Villians that seemed basically designed to give Rupert a million dollars?

I was positive that's where Corbin-Ambrose was heading.

Santino did pretty well for himself.

And the pigtails are new.

Russell earned a bitter jury.

It's like when Boston Rob was on that Redemption Island season. If anyone was thinking they would have voted him off asap. But they didn't for some weird reason.

Same. I watch, but apparently I never retain anything because you could put a gun to my head and I couldn't tell you who won last season. Maybe if you showed me a photo I could pick them out, but off the top of my head it'd be hopeless.

"Hmmm… this guy who is on the Villains tribe and apparently made such a big impression that they brought him back right away must be a trustworthy fellow. What could go wrong here?"

The movie is Star Wars. If I need to clarify I'll just call it "the original." If that doesn't work then you're being a dick.

The people who call it "A New Hope" are surprisingly passionate on the subject.