Eric Leonard

I wouldn’t take the restaurant offer, either. When I owned my company, I used to reward my clients with gift certificates to a nice restaurant in town. My friends/second family owned it, so it cost me virtually nothing but labor on their tab. That is likely the case for this buffoon, also.

It’s also discriminatory towards drunks with suspended licenses, the elderly, and other people with handicaps who cannot operate a motor vehicle. You can’t ride a bike through the DRIVE thru, either. lol

Most of the crippling cost of living and healthcare is that way because of lawsuits. So, it sort of goes full circle. lol

Whoops. We must definitely add AT LEAST one Tunnelgate. :-)

Well, it would take at least 27 years to make it through committees, bureaucrats, environmental impact, protesters, the relocation of 277 “native protected species”, 15 budget shortfalls and redesigns, and then repeat the process at the state level. Then it would take approximately 47 years to get the unions

Did you forget that you were in Indiana? lol

Is that John Voight’s car?

Then it’s not “stock car” racing, is it? It should be “The Hillbillies Racing Identical Cars With Different Stickers” series. haha

I’ve honestly always been a fan of the design of the Mondial. I didn’t hate them until the internet came around, and everyone else told me WHY I should hate them. lol

Bingo. It’s the National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing. There hasn’t been a “stock car” in NASCAR in YEARS.

I look forward to being able to buy a Passat with a 6 3/4 litre V8 and 811 torques. Oh, wait, NASCAR doesn’t work that way anymore. Same reason I can’t get a Camry with a V8. lol

“We need a sponsor for this sporting event where they spend hours in a 130-degree car, then get out and walk on 100-degree pavement to a 95-degree podium. Needs to be something they can drink.”

Neutral: well, this makes everyone’s job easier. We’re gonna need you to add a couple hundred more pounds of weight to the car while still hitting CAFE targets with your four pot turbos. /sarcasm

Stan Fox had a similar accident in the ‘95 Indy 500. Nose cone ripped off, legs exposed, he definitely was not back to racing that quickly, though. Ended up dying in a car wreck in 2000.

The Quebecois were too proud to report it.

My little dose of color in a world of black, silver, and white.

Yeah, that’s exactly what I do. And I still flinch when I hear the seal pop. lol

The radiators. When I was a kid, my dad cracked open the radiator cap on a hot engine to let it vent before he proceeded. As soon as it was opened just a slight bit, it blew the cap off and showered his entire arm with hot coolant. I can still smell the odor of burning flesh and remember seeing the flesh hanging off

Well, it was bulletproof, all I had to do was drop a new old battery into it, spray some starter fluid in, and dump some fresh gas I had from the lawn mower in the tank. Took longer to get the damn thing out of the ruts than it did to get it running. But my mom said if I could get it out of the ruts, I could drive a

My 1980 Toyota Corolla SR-5. My neighbor said I could have it if I could get it out from behind his garage, where it had been sitting for 4 years. Got it started, running, and taught myself how to drive stick in a day. lol