Robots do not have gender.
Robots do not have gender.
When should we expect the announcement for the indefinite suspension of Jimmy Haslam for his financial crimes?? The NFL wouldn’t want to seem like it has a double standard for owners and players, right?
FEMA is part of Homeland Security which is under the executive branch. Not sure why you think they are separate from the president who is in charge of the executive branch.
Are we living through “Red Scare 2: Now its the Dems”?
You judge people on whether they agree with you about subjective art?
Or the alternative:
Does the NFL rule book say anything about drop-kicking? Like, if I were a defensive end and had a clear lane to the QB I’d just do a flying drop kick. God that would be amazing.
What happened to #believeher or believe all women?
In what fucking world did Kavanaugh rape Dr. Ford?????
In what world is groping a sleeping woman a lesser offense than groping an awake woman? Neither consented, aren’t they the same? I would add that there is an actual picture of the Franken offense and not just one persons words.
No, Franken resigned because it wasn’t an “allegation” it was a picture that was proof of his deed.
I don’t believe Splinter is a journalism site, but I feel like you all still think you are journalist. How you can think your a journalist and print things like this is amazing. You emotionally “believe” her no matter what, that is not what journalist do.
YAWN. That’s not spicy enough. This hearing/confirmation process has to compete with Reality TV so it has to be sexually and emotionally charged.
And if we can’t get intelligent statistical analysis from a twitter account of a food brand, where on earth will we get it??
How is this guy paying to watch baseball while hating Hispanics?
I love to racism, bro!!
Well shit, everyone knows that anything handwritten on a paper calendar anyone says MUST BE, COULD ONLY BE, and HAS ALWAYS BEEN. Case closed, folks.
Nike is a corporation. They’ve got three groups to keep happy (1) customers (2) regulators (3) shareholders. Nike is a very, very good corporation. They are simultaneously keeping all three happy.
What an idiotic statement. Of course systems of economics don’t have morals. People have morals.
The same kind of evidence provided by the accuser: pretty much nothing.