
Taro Yoko on making a new Drakengard: “Give me the money”
Taro Yoko on making a new NieR: “Give me the money”
Taro Yoko on making anything: “Give me the money”

I love this man way too much and I would give all the money in the world to see a Taro Yoko Final Fantasy game. Except I wouldn’t want a numbered entry, he’d need

I kind of wonder if Nintendo has tried weighing the cost-effectiveness of localizing Mother 3 in relation to man-hours spent discussing it to the media.

I’m having trouble thinking of a part of Steam that I value less than the curators’ recommendations, but I’m not coming up with anything.

Then they shouldn’t have made a fucking comments section if dismayed comments are to be expected.

I don’t know. I’m just really much more interested in what the game designers original vision was for Glitch Simulator 2018 is. I think I’ll stick with it.

The most impressive part is that she managed to cosplay Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. If you had told me the person on the right hand image was actually Gal Gadot I would have believed you.

“Here” as in where? The link is missing!

Anyone who stands up to pee. Reaching under to the back of a TP roll is awkward as hell. Chasing it down the wall if you unroll it to get something to grip on is also awkward. Scratching the wall to get that paper into your grasp is just sad.

Blood, Eat, Love - How I Found My Outer Warrior and My Inner Lover, by Jasmyn Scoobydoo.

No clue, just found it on my desk.

My uncle works for Nintendo.

yo, Magus here....

They should make this guy into an Amiibo:

For the fucking love of whatever gods have sought fit to curse us all:

The art direction bugs me a little, because Mario does not look like he should be interacting with lifelike dinosaurs and normal proportion humans.

Well there we go.

I don’t get why people seem to be unable to grasp the simple idea that different countries have different nuances in their cultural standards, and it’s a totally normal thing to alter content to be in line with those standards. I know some people really really want to live in a America where sexualization of underage

I imagine most developers probably share similar feelings of getting the best product out to as many people as possible and not sweating a few cultural dictated changes. There are probably much bigger challenges to spend their time and energy than something that takes the art/model/texture team relatively little time

I just want these people to explain why they want so badly to dress a 13 year old girl in a bikini.

So...a big ol’ no comment on everything.