
I don’t like to brag,but... you know what, i like t brag a lot, so here: I told you.

“Nintendo, you should get with the times”, they said. “Nintendo, you should look what other companies are doing and do the same”, they said. Well, there you go. Seriously guys, you can’t ask companies to keeping adding stuff and pushing for more and more and expect them to just eat up the cost.

For years we wondered if wiiu had failed because was a falied concept or just because of the branding problems. Now seeing that switch don’t have brand problems, but is still underpowered and sold at a higher price that its competitors (like the wiiu), it will be intessing to see how much it can sell and how much of

This only adds to the perception that some had for quite some time. Wiiu is not nintendo dreamcast. Its nintendo’s saturn. Will switch be nintendo’s dreamcast?

Nintendo oftens DMCA anything that gets widespread attention using their IP, even when most of them are saw as just a parody or a homage. So when nintendo actually uses a meme, but adapt every bit of it to only use their caracheters, it’s like a really passive-aggressive way to say: “hey, guys, want to use our ideas?

The best approach, i think, is to price the entry based on some criteria. First game is 100$, second will be 200$, third will be 300$, etc. Other things that could help was a timed base fee. Releasing one game close to another should cost more than waiting enough time, like, say, 6 months. This could be gamed, of

*Strech fingers*

It feels even more strange that the console is realeasing so soon. Like, it was only really detailed in less than a month ago and we are less than one month close alreadly. Is like this for apple consumers too? But props to nintendo for this, we are passed the age where we needed months and months get hardware.

Reminds me of a quote of anouma stating that they try to not put any ideology in zelda games. This probably explain why the narrative is only the background on nintendo games, or why sakamoto once said they don’t really see samus as a bounty hunter.

Well, we all broke precious things of our parent too, so its just natural that they get their payback. All in all, kids teach you to not valuable things, because they will destroy everything anyway.

Really weird suggestion there. Wiiu ambassor program? A VC package when people are alreadly complaing about the amount of port swicth is getting? I dunno man, i think you can tacle this theme way better. Why don’t you try to talk to publisher if they would/want to put their games in service like this, for example?

Funny, considering that nintendo was pushing hard the media capabilitys on wiiu before launch.

Miiverse was cool in the first 2 years, but some updates took away much of the charm of it. Besides, too much kiddies where in there posting anything, but gaming related stuff. Miiverse was fun to occasionaly see people doing weird stuff, but stopped using that daily a long time ago.

Sorry Jason, but you are giving nintendo too much credit here. I bet we will not hear anything about nintendo online services till E3. Letting people stay in the dark is nintendo signature.

I’m also exicited about it, but it clear that konami is cheaping out on thedevelopment, with very little effort on the graphics side and even the UI seem to be placeholder. What is strange considering that the story parts actually look good.

If i understand correctily, i believe that they are ditching miiverse on the console, but the network will keep living in smartphones. They are doing the same with friend management, so makes sense.

A unique take that brings up a thing that had not pointed out anywhere else in this perspective. This is a very good article, indeed.

Well, it didn’t look to good so far. A lot of framerate dips and the indirect combat with the dragon didn’t see well realized. Of course, its hard to tell without having played, but warm receptions is all i could see. Microsoft keeps failing in funding the ritgh projects.

Well, if there wasn’t a “brouhaha” then, now certanily there is.

So, you are complaining that they manage a uneven logo look good?