
Hey guys, remember that jason made statement months ago implying that phanton dust was cancelled, and a lot of people in the comments called him out, because the official statement was just “on hold”, and on that comment section jason actively tried to justify his wording time and time again?

More like the xbox one vs PS4 in the west. WiiU beat PS4 all the time last year. Dragon quest heroes this year turned around for PS4, but since splatoon came out, WiiU is beating PS4 regurlary. But make no mistake, wiiu is down compared to last year. It just that the console bussiness in japan is a walking dead at

Reggie is half ritgh, half wrong. This metroid game reveal can be more compared to the Donkey Kong Country tropical freeze or the Super Mario 3D World reveal. Once showed, those games we’re labeled as the games that no one wanted.

nintendo decides to put these games on the mobile, im okay with it.

And about the multiplayer? Did you played with some party?

Why all those pics? Miverses posts can be embed.

Had nintendo not parterned with Dena, i would dimiss this instantily. But now, i have no idea what they are capable of doing.

“We will totally not delay any of these games that we showed today any futher and there will be no more drougths” - Nintendo, E3 2015.

“not a roguelike”, but it offer a random generated world that will increase the challenges with each passing day. Hmmm....

Maybe there is a time where you just should put 3.5K , 3.5M instead of those minimus numbers. In general i never look to much into it, even when playing dota 2, but this surely is not pleasent for the eyes.

Don’t really see a problem here. Iwata always avoided the mobile the market because that exact same reason, he always said that he didn’t saw any company making a steady amount of profit on it. He knows where his getting into. Besides, Dena will handle the pricing structure, from what I understand.

Euphoria? Like the euphotia engine that rockstar use in their open world games? How lucas arts was using it? Strange if is in fact the same engine.


Gamers, rejoice! Nintendo finally “got with the times”

While i don’t disagree with you, i think that was a poor search made in doing this article. For example, the talk about “we want to grab new people” mostly has to do with one thing: children. And, in some countries, if you feature direct communication on your software, the rating is automatcally raised. Other

Do you noted that he said that he could go up in his carrer at the mangement path, but he didn’t want it? Nintendo made a career available, he just isn’t interested.

Well, actually, this guy has a better chance for making a living out of his work using youtbe nintendo creator program than from there. Nintendo mostly contract artists in a game-by-game basis, like they did with taht guy tha made the windwaker island of sand. They do this because helps evades layout like anothers

Remenber, this is not the first time that ninja pig got involved in some kind of copyritgh claim. If this continues, nintedo will probably step up, and not in a good way. Took years for them to open up to small developer, and if this is what they are getting, I see they backing out again.

I think another problem is the fact that the content id bot that youtube offers don’t exclude reviews from let’s plays. I understand that nintendo would go after lets play series, since some of those make you feel that you don’t really need to buy the game to enjoy it, neither a lot of editing is needed.