Well, the today trailer showed something really went wrong. E3 2012(red car) x march 2014(yellow car):
Well, the today trailer showed something really went wrong. E3 2012(red car) x march 2014(yellow car):
Yeah, lets all ignore that the game has a pretty closed story line that don't give much of a choice for wants thing differentily. Or the fact that the fact on the places where a minimum of coordination(rocket hideout) is necessary, the only way that works is with democracy, other way they remains stuck for hours and…
Well, the same happened to me, but was even worse because my mom held my money even if I had enough to buy one for myself. I see the point that they wanted to come, but all the time i don't wasted in my childhood i'm wasting now, and this is not helping my college graduation.
So you like it, but hate nintendo attitude toward the machine. I advice you to be careful. Luke has areadly walked on this path and all he does now is complain in articles that nintendo is not the same from the 90's, that they should do business as he's pleased solely based on nostalgia(a machine to play VC stuff,…
The game's circle of light co-op partner reminds me of so many Wii games — titles like Super Mario Galaxy, where player two could take up the Wii remote as a helpful pointing object. Ubisoft's take on the friendly cursor seems a bit deeper, but the idea's basically the same.
Buy rayman legends/splinter cell instead.
Please, never put this artstyle on front page again.
Cloud save data incoming? At least there is a function to transfer save data on 3DS.
Yoshi's back. All of the different-colored Yoshis are. They're collecting coins and flowers and carrying baby Mario everywhere from left to right again and again. These Yoshis are even posing so I can take photos of them with my iPhone.
E3 95 annoucment what? Video pls?
So far, most cross-platform (or, non-platform exclusive) next-gen games have come with a last-gen counterpart. Watch Dogs will be at its best on next-gen consoles and PC, but there'll still be versions on PS3 and Xbox 360. Titanfall will shine on Xbox One and PC, but Xbox 360 owners will get a version, too. Thief came…
Only on this bundle
I'm the only that is seeing the shoes from the movie that Mc uses on the film that will be avaible later this year?
Can someone tell me how much time till the event?
Actually, the guy behind this got a lot of subscribers. Each subiscriber pay 5 buck to subscribe, so yeah, twich and this guy made lot of money. The point is: nintendo don't take less than 2 months to take down anything, so they we're just to fast for nintendo stop them.
So Garden Warfare is not for casual gamers, it's not for hardcore shooter fans and it definitely wasn't made for a select group of strange people — who is this game for?
Yeah, Yeah, let's do this.
Really? I found the models and the explosions obviously fake. Ok, for a youtueb guy, terrible for something official.
I don't get(not english native speaker), what actually happened? All the crew died on starvation on space waiting for rescue? Or they just trid "go for it" and burned? Where is the space Shutle now?
You guys are really overreacting to this. Everybody like to say that the wii crowd is long gone, everybody is now gaming on a more modern/better system, that online of nintendo products are awful, so why would anyone care? Nobody using, nobody wants it, and now everybody is crying about it?