
"Hey, nintendo finally made a commercial that explain the damm console, something we are asking for ages, should we write about it?

No mention to THQ bankrupt?

Sadly, none of these mock-up versions of Minecraft for 3DS, Wii U or Wii are real:


The 300MB+ updates everytime i tried to play did it for me.

Dunno if i want a WiiU port. Last game get canned after the other releases, so i don't know how this could turn out. Some said was a good thing that we didn't get a port, but i'm not confident that i'm ok with no 3rd party support.

Admit it! You saw something sexual here too!

As an american, I am so tired of games begins set on USA. There is another countries in this continent, you know? Some as big and diverse as USA. Can we get some variety now?

Would be funny that turned out that X1/PS4 will got emulators before the wiiu, called last gen, get one itself.

We must go deeper.

Putting ubisoft to shame.

Since the reveal of this game, i was underwhelmed. Till now. Looking foward.

The kind of thing that is selled by the maker knowing that custormes will never use it.

Wow, really thanks for the tranlation man, it became even more funny.

Doomed if you do, doomed if you don't. Besides, didn't one of their commercials on uk get banished becuase not every game supported off-play, but the commercial don't make that really clear??

Why it matters? Because kotaku need clicks. One thing i never get in game sites is once in a while someone come and say they will "stop the trolls". Then they put articles that trolls enjoy.

Why people take pictures with cellphone on wiiu? They dont know that at any moment you can take a screenshot and send to any image hosting service and even one provides by nintendo trough the built-in browser? Use the things you own properly, please.


I don't get. Why write a article to say that we still have to wait? Should not wait till something changes for good, rather to just wait a determined amount of time?