
Goddamn, they’re both so orange.

The Real Ken Bone

... not sure whether to high-five you or punch you. :) Oh, well, it’s a star either way. :)

Sounds like this new Raptor could really open doors for long-distance space travel. Clever girl!

That classic Craigslist picture. From the side, cutting off each end.

He then jumped into his Lambo, yelled, “Lexit!” and promptly crashed into a wall - that absolutely everyone saw was there all along - massively depreciating the car’s value.

Yes, in the exact same way fire does something to a house’s structural integrity.

Ice Road Alien Pawn Star Truckers, seven nights a week.

The ant worked hard to store enough food for the winter.

The Mustang owner later apologized, claiming he didn’t actually see the motorcycle, only the rider.

Because Facebook Live videos, for now, are generally only done with smartphone cameras, and his got turned sideways with the G’s. This is the first time we’ve EVER done anything like this, and to my knowledge the first time anyone has ever LIVE STREAMED a lap on the ‘Ring.

If you drive slow in the left lane—

“Keep your eyes on the road you distracted son of a bitch.”

The ridges at the bottom & roundness of the lens makes me think of a 2006+ Mitsubishi Eclipse. It looks like there’s more headlight missing to the left. Here’s some of my pictures of the lens.

The only thing dumber than some of us is all of us, together.

In a dark age, where information is king and global surveillance is invading every facet of our lives, one man stands for peace and privacy everywhere. He’s not the hero we need, but the hero we deserve. Jet Ski Man rises.

HOA’s are horrible. Fuck that noise.