
Well... that's true, but you are only about 25 years behind the reality that California is a complete zero for off-road recreation.

...miss me yet?

But street cred, bro!?

Now playing

So, he planned to do it one piece at a time?

That’s not true at all. You are describing SEMI-automatic weapons. Automatic weapons (which are illegal to own without a class III firearms permit) cycle a new round and continue firing until the trigger is released.

Well they don’t call them Danger Rangers for nothin’.

The fuck is Wheelie Jesus supposed to do?

Perfect time to buy! The Stock market is down because of fear, not any real economic reason.

2016 Ford Focus RS - Coming soon to ditches and utility poles near you!

I think, though I can’t say for sure, that I disagree with putting the ticket in a safe. Your life is going to be nuts anyway, and I’m pretty sure you’re given time after the ceremony to set things up for the wire transfer.

The other issue to consider with the annuity payout is the risk of something happening to the lottery group over the next 30 years as well as inflation. It’s a long time, and you don’t know what will happen with the group financially.
Look at Illinois not paying their lottery winners. Other states having trouble

Still waiting for a Grand Caravan Town and Country Pacifica Hellcat.

Facebook is an amazing social tool... for determining precisely how many people are complete morons lacking in critical thinking skills.

Yup, Honda has stashed six speakers behind the bedliner— three on either side. You can’t see the speakers, but they’re there and pump 540 watts of sound, so if you want to crank “26's” by Chingy on full blast at a tailgate party, go right on ahead.

I’m more concerned about the fact that he seems to not want to wear pants to work.

MKVI Golf TDI MY2013 owner here:

Once I was out of warranty and DIYing most of the easier stuff, I saw the dealer (or indy) about once every 3 years with our two Passats. Sure, there’s stuff that breaks and shouldn’t, but once a car gets past the 10 year mark, my tolerance for minor annoyances goes up — at least compared to when I’m under warranty.

He should have called the police and waited quietly for them to save him. Guns are bad you know!

Hopefully not from Swagway.