I think, though I can’t say for sure, that I disagree with putting the ticket in a safe. Your life is going to be nuts anyway, and I’m pretty sure you’re given time after the ceremony to set things up for the wire transfer.
I think, though I can’t say for sure, that I disagree with putting the ticket in a safe. Your life is going to be nuts anyway, and I’m pretty sure you’re given time after the ceremony to set things up for the wire transfer.
The other issue to consider with the annuity payout is the risk of something happening to the lottery group over the next 30 years as well as inflation. It’s a long time, and you don’t know what will happen with the group financially.
Look at Illinois not paying their lottery winners. Other states having trouble…
Still waiting for a Grand Caravan Town and Country Pacifica Hellcat.
Yup, Honda has stashed six speakers behind the bedliner— three on either side. You can’t see the speakers, but they’re there and pump 540 watts of sound, so if you want to crank “26's” by Chingy on full blast at a tailgate party, go right on ahead.
I’m more concerned about the fact that he seems to not want to wear pants to work.
MKVI Golf TDI MY2013 owner here:
Once I was out of warranty and DIYing most of the easier stuff, I saw the dealer (or indy) about once every 3 years with our two Passats. Sure, there’s stuff that breaks and shouldn’t, but once a car gets past the 10 year mark, my tolerance for minor annoyances goes up — at least compared to when I’m under warranty.
He should have called the police and waited quietly for them to save him. Guns are bad you know!
Hopefully not from Swagway.
“Um, excuse me. Do you know what type of pollutants you are releasing into the atmosphere doing that? Gaia cries every time someone lights gasoline at the pump. It’s a shame people like you are allowed to wander hither and yon lighting your gas like there are no consequences. Well, let me tell you. There are…
I wanna run DeskMate.
I grew up on 136 acres about a mile outside Patriot. All I had to do was step out the front door and jump on my bike to ride! I live on the east side of Cincinnati now and my dad has 125 acres in Brown Co, Ohio. I keep a Suzuki DRZ 125 out there, just don’t get out there as much as I’d like!
I’ve got to assume you’re trolling or is feeling the bern in the back of your throat....
You know what cars get the same fuel economy as a Model T? Vipers, Hellcats, Lamborghinis, and the like. So in your view, the point he’s making is that those cars shouldn’t exist.
You are a moron on so many levels. Every car on the planet being built today could get insane gas mileage if you put in a shitty, low horsepower engine and took out all of the nanny state safety requirements (weight) forced on us by liberals like Bernie. Because bernie’s comment is in no way relevant given all the…
Are you kidding? Engine efficiency is dramatically better. You could replace that Model T’s 20 HP engine with a 100+HP Ford Ecoboost 3 cyl that would likely get around 50-60 MPG if it had to pull around a 1200 lb car. This isn’t pedantry, it’s just getting things right.
“For anything other than those two things, this two-wheeled demon is just about useless.”
I may come across as a snob with this answer, but I’m going to throw it out there anyway: Which car would I not want as a gift? Any car.