
I generally think along those lines every time one of the major OS makers comes up with a new overhaul of it’s theme/style. Designers are important, and perform a necessary function but when you put a designer in charge things are going to change because designers are only happy when they are designing. I personally

The CGA colors.

Just for reference, chaps are all assless. Otherwise they would be pants...

Try cleaning blood and guts (from animals, not humans - just so we’re clear) out of the back of your van.

How about hauling a refrigerator?

Gooseneck/fifth-wheel trailer, anyone?

Muddy 4-wheeler/quad or dirt bike?

It’s almost like vans and pickups have different advantages and disadvantages.

I was actually in one of these when it rolled on the interstate. Girlfriend was driving and she got a nasty concussion. I got out without a scratch surprisingly. Guess she french fried when she should have pizza’d... we had a bad time...

It blows me away that so many people are into this shit. It just goes to show that some people will NOT under any circumstances listen to reason or logic once they’ve made up their mind, no matter how simple it is.

I drove the Eagle version for a while during my run of cars from the Copart auctions.... It led to one of my favorite cop stories ever.

So donks give F1 cars a run for their money?

1st gear: Stick to you day job please.

No...its a fluke. For the metric to show anything, people would have been budgeting before the prices went down and realized the diff. Im gonna go out on a limb and say 10% of the population budgets, 40% just spends what is in there account every month and 50% just dont give a fuck and max out their credit cards every

wat? it’s because the banner notification can’t render the text. that’s simply all

Earth is the worst. “Here, have a nose full of plant semen. Hope you didn’t like breathing!”

“You have to separate your colors, they’ll bleed!” - Everyone

Some bad data interpretation going on here.

Yes, but for every instance of that, there is the:

Really, tho. I hate having to hunt down details like it’s a scavenger hunt. It takes a lot longer to fix your issue when you open with “my Microsoft is broken” and never answer my emails.

1987? Gen Y. I'm Gen X (1971), and used a Mac and a cell phone before you were born. I got tatoos and body piercings before you were out of diapers.

I don't know, I kind of miss an average 5.4% unemployment rate under GWB, the fact that our allies respected us and or enemies feared us, and the fact that I didn't have to listen to insufferable idiots accuse people who disagree with liberals of being "racists" AS often as I do now.