
My grandparents had a ‘77 Aspen, this is one vehicle I have a very vivd memory of from my childhood in the 80's. I remember asking my grandpa what year it was one time as we were sitting in the driveway of my house, 3 miles from their house and it wouldn’t start... I said: “This car is 9 years old, only 3 years older

The SNR on Kinja is average at best compared to other sites, IMHO. The fact that they allow anonymous comments is pointless, as practically nobody sees them, or all of the other grays they’re lumped in with. The grays end up replying and interacting with each other I guess, that’s about the only benefit.

This is why agreements like these are all hyperbole and pagentry and in the end, countries that want to cheat (india, china, etc) will because they honestly dont give a shit about the rest of the wolrd when they just want to stay in power.

Ironically, your family of websites are RIFE with this type of spam. I’ve even started seeing ones that have emerged from “the greys”, whereas there are tons of relevant comments from real humans, like this one, buried under “Pending Approval”.

There used to be on in Hamilton, OH too, but I don't think it survived the recession.

...and how the hell do these spammers get out of the grays, while tons of legit commenters stay in the ether? Way to go Kinja!

“Higher octane gas gives your engine more horsepower” in a naturally aspirated, non performance car!”

I honestly thought that watching top fuel dragsters the first time might detach my retinas; they literally thrash your entire body with shock waves, soooo badass!

Thank you for the detailed response, this stuff is really interesting. So TL;DR: Gamma rays move at the speed of light and there’s currently no way to predict the events that cause them.

I’m curious, are we currently gathering enough data to even know of such an event in advance? Not that it would help.

Sounds fun but our current ability to store such energy is severely lacking, we don’t even have smartphone batteries that can last a week or EV’s that can drive 300 miles on a charge.

That’s actually Aaron Lewis from Staind, he does country albums now as well and he has way more depth, variety and talent than Nickelback ever did.

Dang... those front wheels spend more time in the air than on the ground! They should probably just mount a camera on the bottom of it and do away with the front wheels, they’re rather pointless. Its a good time to be alive in motorsports folks!

HAHA yesss those engines did sound like a giant fan on wheels when the fan clutch engaged.

I wonder how much the 2-stroke powerband on these could be improved with some properly tuned expansion pipes instead of those tinny moped exhaust setups?

Don’t forget the 4.3's! I thought they all sounded decent for their displacement size though.

See, I always thought the old GM V6's had a nice, unique, characteristic, throaty burble to them, especially at low RPM’s; whereas most every other V6 in existence have a tinny, raspy, almost ricey braaap to them. Inline sixes are where its at though.

Ah, I remember vacationing in Myrtle Beach when I was a kid. Haven’t been there since the early 90's though. I’ve heard its way more trashy than it used to be, but as a kid I could care less about classist notions like that anyways, always had a blast there. Sharing a community on the sea with large groups of any type

“It was kind of like Myrtle Beach at sea.” Best cruise analogy ever!