
That was my thought exactly. I actually came here hoping to see how it would affect savings accounts and investments.

^ This crosswalk light is at an intersection in Hamilton, OH: The home of internet sensation “Slim Jesus”. ^

Glad to see the Ford Raptor made the cut for their video of American excess!

You’re joking right? Because VM Motori (an Italian company) makes the engine in the Chevy Cruze Diesel; the only GM Diesel passenger car available in the US.

They’re all but illegal in Chicago actually, not certain but I think he’s from that area.

Or this, in a suburban business area intersection down the road from my work. Some tweaker stole a truck with a trailer full of round bales attached to it and dumped em all while being chased by the cops.

No Shocking...

That drone about got taken out like wuh-wuh-woah CLIMBCLIMBCLIMB!

I actually realized you might have been referring to the KERS system after I posted my original comment; I think the issue would be a trade off on long term reliability though, parts spinning at a higher average speed and actuators working more often. Interesting idea though.

Is that a plastic alternator housing!? Or, is it just painted/anodized to look fancy?

I happen to like MKE, its a fine Midwestern city with lots of good food and drink. I get the appeal of Chicago, but it punishes the hell out of anyone with a car, at least it has good public transit.

I was on the “Skyway” at about 1AM Thanksgiving day (technically, the day after) wondering where the F all this traffic came from. As a Cincinnati resident, this amount of traffic at this hour on a holiday was ridiculous to me, even though I knew from experience it could be much worse.

And fuck trying to drive anywhere in, around or through downtown Chicago LOL

Clearly, you’ve never been to Gary Indiana, Detroit or Middletown, OH.

The blower on a Detroit 2-stroke is actually tuned to provide boost at a level that avoids vacuum on the intake up until the point where exhaust scavenging takes over; if it’s positively displacing air, that’s induction to me. Google “supercharged diesel” and it will return several examples, Eaton even has a

Wrong wheel drive and a slushbox, no thanks.

I stand corrected, I just assumed that since they are drive-by-wire, EFI and ABS now that they have all the necessary inputs and outputs for TC, so they’d just have implemented it already, but apparently not. A quick Google confirmed that a 3rd party offers TC as an add-on, which pretty much confirms it: http://www.bik

The new gen Indians reliability are TBD, but the last gen Indians were NOTORIOUSLY unreliable according to everyone I knew that owned one.

The newer HD’s have ABS and TC as well.

Then you would have EVEN MORE LAG getting the whole heavier rotating assembly to spool up. Now, once it was spooled up and you let off the throttle, it would have to vent all of the waste energy from the still spinning turbo to avoid destructively boost spiking the engine. This is why some turbos use variable geometry