
You’ve always been able to drag n drop files into a terminal to get their paths.

Mail has had some glaring unresolved bugs for quite some time: On Exchange/IMAP servers it would often times not save a copy of random sent messages in the Sent folder. This went on for years, but I haven’t seen it happen since Exchange 2010/ActiveSync was rolled out in our company. Search also sucks and sometimes

We used to have a robot that would pick blank CD’s from a spool and burn, then print them. One special idiot walked up to this workstation one day and decided to look up Mapquest directions and hit print, the robot then proceeded to take a spool of 100 blank CD’s and print Mapquest directions on each one overnight.

I know the struggle. I’m a Sr Sysadmin at a company that used to modify and re-sell ink jet printers for the purpose of printing with edible ink on edible substrate. Its a medium-size family owned company. Since we constantly had a glut of “free” inedible OEM ink cart takeouts and cheap disposable printers, the owners

Color ink jet printers are probably the most wasteful and environmentally destructive computer peripheral, tons of waste.

They mostly have manual transmissions and you can’t text while you drive one, slap a slushbox in and some google glass visor and I’m sure Americans would be all about it.

I immediately thought of the Hard Drivin’ arcade game when I saw this story.

The BMW also costs like $10,000 more, so yeah, it should. The TDI competes with econoboxes like the Corolla, Civic, Cruze, Mazda 3, Focus, etc.

Some of the early slushboxes that were paired with a TDI were junk, but the DSG’s and their manual transmissions were never really a problem.

Peak HP and Tq numbers don’t tell the whole story, which power curve would be more useful to you in day-to-day driving? There’s no wrong answer really, but I’d prefer not to have to downshift so much to pass people like they’re standing still.

The urea injection takes care of the NOx for the most part on those guys, the other diesels were found to be merely EPA compliant.

Look up the carbon footprint of a pet cat or dog, a 1st-world baby or even a 3rd-world baby and all this BS seems pretty damn moot once you’re operating outside of a densely populated urban area.

Yes, there are several other US states that adhere to CARB (California Air...) standards verbatim, as well as states and counties within states that have their own emissions testing standards. I agree that you shouldn’t drive in places like Paris, LA or Chicago if you don’t live there, they have great public transit

Damn, that’s insane. I was looking at kits on, which is mostly diesel stuff.

Not everyone on the planet chooses to live in densely populated urban environment, unfortunately it seems we all get to suffer the consequences of regulations imposed by those cities no matter how we live, joy.

Except without some groundbreaking non-existent battery tech, the current electrics and hybrids can’t even come close to the performance and range of an equivalent turbodiesel car.

You mean $30 USD, right? $300 isn’t even the most expensive complete set of “40k DSG complete service kit” I could find.

Sadly, I’m afraid most consumers don’t think the same way we do. “Smart” TV is the next new OOH SHINY gotta have in almost every conversation I’ve had about a new TV.

I don’t really consider “Smart TV” a selling point, the manufacturers will inevitably stop providing firmware updates in the near future rendering the smart functionality useless in several years, then you’ll end up with external boxes anyways and botnets full of hacked “smart” appliances with no security updates all

Spoiler alert: it's mean!