
Making hydrogen currently is an energy net loss, then there're all the storage issues.

It's the Betamax of the automotive world.

How the hell do you exceed 100% efficiency without violating established laws of physics?

I wonder what the range is like when you have several months of commuting in the -ºF with that resistive electric heat blasting the entire commute, just to keep the windows clear and stay relatively warm?

Its something called a net energy loss, look it up. Also see the energy inputs to Ethanol production for another frame of reference. We're essentially trading "cleaner" energy for far less efficient energy.

Meanwhile, the EPA is forcing coal and even natural gas plants that supply capacity and reliable base-load electricity to shut down with recent regulations. Yeah, lets all plug our multi-KW vehicles into the grid now! I won't be surprised if regular brown-outs become a normal thing here in coal country, not like the

You and I clearly have different definitions of fast then.

I was actually talking about those first vehicles you referenced. The Fusion ironically, is the Mondeo; you do get what you pay for there, not really a fair comparison with the 5 series.

Yeah it could be fun with 120HP, except that loaded Mazda 3 has a terrible power to weight ratio.

Power to weight ratio.

Can someone tell me if the cells are individually replaceable and easy to source, at a reasonable price? If so, this article totally just changed my opinion of hybrids.

They're limited like that because you have to step up to a higher speed rated tire. Anything beyond an H tends to be dramatically more expensive, assuming said tires are even available for your vehicle. Also, gotta keep the insurance co's happy. There actually aren't many vehicles that will go beyond 120 with a

10 year loans have been around for a while now, on qualifying purchases at least.

I'll tell you what happened to all these endangered cars: Cash for Clunkers

My girlfriend's dad has one of these sitting in his barn with a bunch of paint cans on it.

Chevy Beretta INDY, hands down one of the most 90's cars ever.

Here's why I say this: this new Golf R, the fastest and most powerful Golf ever built, has all the stuff we've ever asked for in our R models in one vehicle, as opposed to the mishmash of good and bad and strange we've had in the past.

Any lifted truck has its rated towing capacity negatively impacted, to what degree is anyone's guess with an aftermarket lift.

No its supposedly the other way around, the EB engine in the new Raptor is all new and the same family as the new Ford GT engine. Its going to have the same "anti-lag" port/direct injection setup as the new GT engine as well, so they're at least sharing similar head designs.

I can average 16MPG in my 6.2L Raptor if I keep my foot out of it. Only seen below 13MPG when doing offroad adventures or towing a horse trailer.