
You can also mat it and pass people on a wave of torque like they're standing still, without even downshifting.

I will never understand why anyone would buy a Hybrid Lexus. Sure, you fill up less, but for the price difference, you'd have to drive the damn thing at least 250,000 miles to offset the premium of the hybrid powertrain. Leasing one is a surefire money burning proposition. You sure as fuck aren't saving any money or

It's important to use a high smokepoint oil like: grapeseed, peanut or Crisco to season it with. Low smokepoint oils like olive oil, that canola crap or Pam will leave a gummy residue instead of a nice seasoned surface. Actually, I would never even use Pam on a cast iron skillet for cooking.

I use a sponge, or one of those plastic-synthetic scrubby pads with the salt paste. After I'm done cleaning, I put the pad in one of the captive silverware baskets (the ones with a flip-down lid) in my dishwasher to make it clean as new.

I've had my intake apart three times and have yet to experience this mess, or that totally F'd one up there on my TDI; but my miles are mostly highway and I don't lug it like a cottonhead so maybe that helps.

I for one, have 10 years and 250,000mi on my original factory turbo in my TDI and that's with it running a mild tune most of its life. My mom had 130,000mi on her 1.8T A4 when she traded it in. I know quite a few others who I won't bother mentioning. Keep in mind that most of the people who are on the internet

The engine itself will probably also last well over 350,000mi before it needs any serious work, which probably can't be said for a gas engine with the boost turned up. Not that the boxer wouldn't last a good 200,000 stock for stock.

That is pretty impressive, but the diesel in this case is 500cc smaller, instantly has more torque available at relatively low RPM's due to Diesel and the electric compressor and also likely has most of it's torque available at around 1,500 RPM. It also will realistically get around 45 US MPG combined. So, not really

Polaris is not Canadian, they're HQ is in Minnesota.

You don't have to be on the same wifi for SMS forwarding to iMessage, it has to be enabled on both ends though: Settings> Messages> Text Message Forwarding.

It's a Hardly Davidson actually: shaft drive, no signature exhaust note and not vibrating itself to pieces.

BMW riders are amongst the hardest of hardcore when it comes to weather conditions.

The same way you keep cables from freezing up on offroad vehicles: Keep them lubed, sealed intact and free of water.

If you're dumb enough to get hopped up on amphetamines, knowing you have a heart condition, deal with the F'n consequences.

Not much worse than the active logging operation that they did it inside of.

It's a 1 liter 2-Cylinder engine with a CVT.

These SxS's pretty much all have CVT's, except for the more utilitarian Hondas that have an automotive style slushbox.

You must have confused Polaris with their arch nemesis: Bombardier aka Can-Am.

IE and Notepad GTFO; the only people who suffer through using that legacy cruft are the ones who've never gotten brave enough to try the alternatives.
