
'04 BEW owner here with 245,000mi on the original cam and lifters. 43MPG average commuting 80% hwy with the cruise set at 80.

I hope all of you people championing satellite radio over terrestrial broadcast stations realize that up until very recently the same Clear Channel you hate owned controlling interest in satellite radio. The same money thirsty executives deciding what gets played on FM are doing the same for Sirius/XM and driving you

Wow that page is NOT very mobile friendly.

Diesels actually have less engine braking (assuming no exhaust brake) since they don't have a throttle plate creating vacuum when you let off of the accelerator, but they do cut fuel off completely when coasting, until the catalyst temps drop, then the fuel cycles come back on.

Here're some TDI Hypermiling tips from people that are absolutely obsessed with that stuff. You might be surprised to find that lugging along at low RPM's isn't always the most fuel efficient mode of operation:…

It's called DFCO (Deceleration Fuel Cutoff) and every modern direct injected diesel, including the TDI does it. Some gas engines like the Cruze Eco also do it. On a diesel, the injection events are so noisy that you can literally hear them start and stop as you lean on or off of the accelerator while you coast.

I think he's talking in Imperial Gallons.

In the US anyways, Diesel nozzles are larger, so you most certainly CAN put gas in a diesel, but not the other way around. Which is stupid, because gas in a diesel causes way more damage than diesel in a gas fuel system.

I guess if you're playing red state/blue state, but most people of the Greater Cincinnati actually consider the area Midwest.

Uh, how the hell does a VW TDI not make this list? I love a Vette as much as the next gearhead, but driving one 100 miles a day on the highway sounds excruciatingly uncomfortable. And the Model S? Does it even make it 200 miles between charges with the A/C or heat set on blast? I guess if you live in some flat

I got it working on my 2011 Mac Mini using techmaster5000's link above. Just make sure that you have a Time Machine backup before you attempt this, it involves modifying kernel extensions in a hex editor.

This got it working on my "unsupported" 2011 Mac Mini, thank you!

It wasn't a knock on Tesla. He was merely stating the fact that lithium ion batteries carry a relatively dense amount of potential energy and cited a few examples in recent news for laymen to understand.

You need to get out more often. Come to Cincinnati, you will see white guys driving ridonkulous cars.

Lots of people in this thread don't realize that the Volt's ICE does indeed power the wheels.

Not a huge Toyota enthusiast myself, but there was the MR2, Celica GT-S and various Supras. Lexus makes a few badass RWD cars as well, so I wouldn't say its a total lost cause.

Yeah, I was going to mention that, but I couldn't recall what GM's flavor of "SYNC" was called.

You need to look at the settings on another device to determine the username.

I think it was willful on GM's part to omit Bluetooth in order to sell Onstar's calling feature. Even my girlfriend's 2011 Cruze with Bluetooth is somehow missing the Bt audio streaming profile, presumably to help sell XM.