Eric Henwood-Greer

WHat's frustrating to me is that they do deal with the Kimmy/Titus dynamic—and then in the episodes that immediately follow it, that's all gone…

This was my fave episode of the season—largely due to Maya (I can't help wondering what Dionne will think of this episode if she comes across it…)

To be fair, the plotting of season 2 seemed to owe a lot more to J. Michael Straczynski's style than Lana Wachowski's (although I would say the actual writing seemed to owe more to her…)

I am heartbroken. I really thought a third (and probably final) season was inevitable at this point—it seemed much more likely than the fact that a second season was coming.

I think Tim Minear is the undersung hero here—he was show runner on Firefly, helmed Angels' best years, and made a coherent mess of American Horror Story in season 2. Apparently he was also the showrunner of Feud…

"The episode is poised to critique performative allyship and faux
wokeness, but it never reaches that point. Instead, it ridicules
millennial attitudes toward political correctness in a way that
minimizes the issue rather than satirizing it."

I don't remember that at all—which probably speaks to how I viewed that season in general.

*completely don't remember that. And I thought Miracle Day was mostly ok…*

LOL OK I agree on both points—though I had more issues with the Angels.

I wonder if it was somehow forced on the Ness. I mean the show had done its best, after the premier, to basically NOT be very connected to Who at all—and then…

Ha I honestly can't remember the cliffhanger for Miracle Day…

That's true—for a show based around a school setting, they might as well be the only students there…

I can probably do a bit more than that, but not much. I realized this a while back when I went to one of those basically 24/7 film fests and after three or so films in a row I realized that I was just zonked.

I think it also shows that, really, any attempts to develop the Shadowhatevers as characters was doomed to failure—it works as a concept, especially in this episode, and didn't need to actually have so many scenes with them (or maybe that's just because I could never hear what any of them were saying…)

You mean the weird cliffhanger? or? (I suppose we shouldn't spoil—it's odd talking about this show six months after watching it—usually on AVClub I only encounter that with threads I know are dead so I can say what I want… Then again, Class doesn't seem to get much discussion here, except about it not being up to

As a ballet fanatic—probably a small niche here—I'm curious what the guesses were for DD3? I mean after Black Swan, everyone knows Swan Lake (and is there another ballet title involving a body of water?)

And here the only fan letters (I got four! We actually had a brief correspondence—which at the time I thought was very significant) as a tween I got were with Stephen Sondheim.

I should add he's VERY good at Wheel—much better than I am (and really, he isn't clued into pop culture unless it's referenced on The Simpsons, so, Jeopardy isn't really his thing anyway, though I have no doubt he'd beat me on the history questions).

Really well said. Sometimes when reading these comments about the better episodes, or even moments, of Class I wonder if I just see it differently since I haven't followed Dr Who (new) since Davies left, and overall was won over by Class.

To be fair—was there really much of a supporting cast of early Buffy? I mean, that's a fair point, but, it doesn't seem atypical…