Eric Henwood-Greer

I've been a Class defender from the start—but, as much as I like the cast as a whole (some more than others) this is definitely the pinnacle of the series (without spoilers, the following episode can only disappoint). It was also, I'm ashamed to say, when I realized that Quill is played by Katherine Kelly, the only

Certainly even the FBI didn't seem to really care so much about the fact that she had kidnapped boys (ie no attempts to get them out, make a deal, etc)

Agreed—although I'm not really sure that the show, in any season, could really deal with something that dark (the fact that abusers often repeat the cycle, etc)

It would be except the show seemed to be bending over backwards to imply Gretchen didn't know what to do with the boys and avoiding any sexual connection (unless she watches them masturbate or something…) Which in a way goes into my whole issue with the weird way they handle the mole women and the Reverend sexually

That was a brilliant line—one of the few I genuinely had to think about before getting (I guess I'm too used to all the awful jokes I heard as a kid about "beating eggs and whipping the cream" to think of another meaning).

It was hilarious. I did find it interesting that they showed genuine child husbands—while Kimmy was a child when she was abducted (and I assume the others were too) the show has been careful, for obvious reasons, to only flashback to them as relatively adult (at least physically)

I'm not convinced in this case that the writers have thought about any real politics behind the story except very basic ones—and that the reviewers expectations of what they're going for, again in this case (but also in other cases when reviewing this show) are too high.

And maybe Parker Posey can be a third sister!… or not…

Just to be that guy, I agreed about this episode and the next, but was let down again by the finale. I mean—still a lot of funny stuff, but… y'know…

I still can't figure out the closed captioning on my broadcast tv (and it tends to be wrong when I do) but I admit I'm very thankful to Netflix for this option—an embarrassing amount of time with their shows is spent rewinding to re-watch a scene with the captions on…

Yeah that plot point with Will constantly interacting with Riley bugged me too…

Charles Strouse and I think Lee Adams (the team behind Bye Bye Birdie and the Superman Musical) were working on with of course Han's your Man and My Star leaking in demo form—it was apparently officially approved as well……

I had no idea there was a UK version—not shocked though, but I see you all were more progressive and had male along with female models going back to the mid 90s.

My grown step-brother (he's a new step-brother so I'm not too good with ages but I think he's 40?) has relatively severe autism, but adores Wheel of Fortune so when I'm in town where he is I make sure to record and watch it with him. Sadly, he just leaves the room when Jeopardy (the only game show I dorkily sometimes

I mean we never even got to see Kimmy row!

Not sure if anyone will read this—but thought there might be some interest what with the mid-season arguments and confusion about whether Detective Mun WAS the guy Sun lost her virginity with or not. After finally being convinced (different names, etc) that he was someone different, JMS himself has popped up on a

Not sure anyone will read this, but just to get back to the "Is Detective Mun the guy Sun hooked up with in the locker room" question—on Facebook, JMS just confirmed on Facebook that it IS the same guy.

Also it's been confirmed by Stracnysky that the cop IS the locker room hook up. From his fb:
They are the same character. One of the facets of Korean culture that we wanted to talk about was the tendency of so many citizens to change their names for any number of reasons. It's actually fairly common. Didn't get to

I don't think they took as much advantage of the Columbia setting as they could have—maybe they should have saved it for next season as, like you say, there was just too much going on.

It struck me as slightly odd that there wasn't even one moment between her and Jacqueline Then again, this year it felt that oddly Jacqueline was more involved in the storylines of Kimmy's friends than with Kimmy.