Eric Henwood-Greer


DOh, of course—completely discounted it I guess since it was unattached…

Fair enough—and I agree that that broad Marcia Clark stuff overshadowed some good stuff.

If I believed in conspiracy theories, it does feel like perfect timing that nipplegate happened just as network tv was loosening their censorship around sex and nudity. Well nudity especially

It was a different style of acting. Which for her character worked

I'd agree if they actually built on it in any way instead of dropping it almost completely again.

It's one aspect that makes me cringe. It is kinda referenced once more in the back half of the season and that's it—so I have a hard time agreeing with the critic that acknowledging the rapes is really a brave thing (and why didn't that come up in season one's trial? Of course that was a low point of the show). They

Body bald? :P I dunno—I remember as a teen with a full chest of hair in the 90s reading an article about how body hair was starting to be in again for men—and then waiting for over a decade for that to happen, so I'm clinging to it as long as I can.

At least one of the actors has done a gay love scene before. They knew what was in the scene they were hired to do—it's insulting to blame the show for somehow putting them at risk.

I'd say there kinda is—but to be fair, aside from the collaboration Good Omens and the short work, Stardust, American Gods really was his first major novel after the original Sandman run.

The restrictions seem kinda self imposed but there are rules. For a while US network tv was showing rear nudity—NYPD Blue was the most infamous example but it even happened on more family oriented shows (Once and Again, in fact is one example with Billy Campbell getting out of bed and a clear butt shot) and the

I dunno, some of Breaking Bad's "mature themes" were sure thrown in your face. Oh wait. Mature themes doesn't mean violence to you, I guess? Just sex?

Sandman is one of the greatest things I have ever read, and still at the top of my Gaiman pile, but even as much as I am LOVING this adaptation of American Gods, I remain unconvinced that a Sandman tv (film, even less) adaptation would ever work for me.

If by comic you mean superhero American comic, then yes… (though, of course, it does have some DC superhero appearances…)

I believe most of that is in the novel (which I haven't read since it came out—and never read the new edition, so don't quote me on that…) Wasn't Gaiman still a Brit at the time? (I'm assuming he's now a US citizen…)

Odd as a gay men, I noticed the two pairs of breasts but only… 2 penises in this gay sex scene—where else? (asking out of curiousity of course)

He was a standout (seriously) on the UK campy youth soap Hollyoaks (which, unlike, say, Eastenders and the more "gritty" UK soaps, tends to cast based on looks, often picking models… which, of course, he was—it just happened he could act too).

Wait, where did I miss it in episode 2?

I'm sure it's out there. It's wonderful when you see such comments on shows like Penny Dreadful or Sense8—often followed with comments about how those gays should make their own shows, not seeming to realize who exactly are making these shows…

*so* many? I wouldn't go that far (although as a teen I would get taped off UK tv and converted to NTSC copies of the original—the good—UK QUeer as Folk shortly after it aired by a middle aged woman who worked as a hairdresser out of her house who somehow saw a post I made asking about the show in Canada… I