Eric Henwood-Greer

Yeah I had no idea it was one of the crazy Canadian kids shows you guys got in the States—but then Nickelodeon was pretty desperate for programming in th e80s.

You mean Funnyface

A far less revered show, but this reminds me of two posters when AVClub covered Outlander who would post *dozens* of "You guys are being strung along by how bad the show is" posts week after week. I kinda get hate watching a show for "fun" (though even there to then spend hours reading and writing comments on it

Not trying to rile you up—cuz fair enough—but the difference is Lost had Cuse as co-showrunner, not the brilliant novelist Perrotta (nor does it have network tv insisting on more seasons) Big differences.

Apparently Tommy is alive and well at Cannes with his current girlfriend Paris Hilton (ugh)…

Which means Laurie—who overthinks everything—must think Matt will die soon and Nora has killed herself, because otherwise wouldn't she worry that those two would make the connection and tell someone?

I dunno—I'd still be a bit pissed. Kevin spent all of season 1 trying to get Tommy to come home and worrying about Jill—yeah they were younger (though Kevin was still an adult) and not in good places mentally or physically and show wise that was 7 years ago, but even the second season ended with Kevin relieved to

I'm confused—did you think the story telling was on point, or not….

Yeah, has she ever been warm to Laurie?

Damn. But, umm, this could just be a clever misleading interview, right? I mean… *ignore my two dozen other posts*

Earlier they discussed how scubadiving always puts one in jeopardy with so many things that can go wrong. The episode (as the little Laurie 2 minute character video HBO put up states) is about Laurie realizing that she can't control everyone and everything—I'm not saying you're wrong, but I think it could clearly be

Lindelof and Perrotta who apparently continues, especially this season, to play a big part in shaping it (and is a much better partner for Lindelof than Cuse…)

I'm probably reading too much into this (and the suicide angle just seemed too much to me) but I saw the scuba dive going back to the initial comment Nora made—about how dangerous each dive can be even if you aren't committing suicide. In that respect it shows how Laurie has finally completely let go about trying to

I wasn't sure but thought maybe that was a cheat-clip used from episode 4—glad I was wrong apparently.

Actually they hibernate (except for Jodie who apparently has no life and seems to work there in the day and "play" all night) in the DAY until Security Guard Puppet Man (Sam? Or was that the rat?) gives Jodie the all clear…

I personally saw it as her "taking the chance" that something could go wrong or not. But maybe that's me romanticizing it.

I see others mentioned JEsus Christ Superstar—but my immediate reaction was "these people never saw Jesus Christ Superstar but they can name all of the apostles"? I guess that just shows where I first learned that part of the bible—and of course Judas' suicide is a massive part of JCS.

I personally saw it as her "taking the chance" that something could go wrong or not. But maybe that's me romanticizing it.

Man kids tv was (is?) weird—and I know a lot of Canuck kid shows got picked up by channels like Nickelodeon, but for some reason I would have never expected Today's Special to have crossed the border…

I'll see if I'm intrigued after playing the game (I have a day off tomorrow, so look forward to it).