Eric Henwood-Greer

This is why Archie's lyrics suck. He doesn't seem to even know what common words mean…

I mean, I loved the episode, too. And this is set in CrazyRiverdaleTown. But it still is a teen drama (and, yes, owes some responsibility to its intended audience and not just to middled aged gay guys like me who watch out of nostalgia and camp), with some emotional sense of reality, and I would have appreciated it

But, of course, these movies are still far removed from the kinds of pulpy action movies Lito apparently built his career on—and in that case, I can't think of any leading man who was gay (although, ironically given Sense8, there have always been rumours about Van Damme)

If we're going back further, there're the questions about Valentino who apparently was more homosexual than bisexual. or more obviously the guy who was later meant to follow in his shoes, the impossibly handsome Ramon Novarro who starred in the massive 1925 hit silent version of Ben-Hur who by all accounts WAS

Although, unlike HBO, I will say Sense8 (and some other cable/streaming shows) are much better "equal opportunity" offenders when it comes to nudity and sex—something HBO doesn't have a great rep with.

Wow. I had seen it when it first went viral, but thought it was just… a parody. I'm not sure if I appreciate it more, or less, now that I know it was legit.

OK, you won me over ;) I'll buy it during the sale. The sequel sounds less interesting (at least in regards to the kinds of games I like to play—which usually amounts to one game each year I get really into, and then don't play anything else that year…)

Brilliant episode… I would call this, however, more than a "nod".

Damn—I was really excited for this game at the time, but didn't have a system (or money) to play it… And completely forgot about it until now…

I forgot about the Amanita. But yeah, Whispers, as it turned out, wasn't really all that effective with "Joey Pants" :P

For anyone interested, this link chronicles some of the Luke Evans closet saga. It should be pointed out that after it was posted he has unequivocally come out of the closet—although in recent interviews he has said that being gay did not remotely hurt his career (which is probably true—though it still seems that his

Oh, true enough, though often I find at least one show that's kinda worthwhile. But with cable and streaming it seems many of the best shows now are released in the summer months (HBO has used the summer to release their top hour shows for a while now—before Game of Thrones).

Thanks!! That does help. I should rewatch the scene—I got the gist, but in group shots I don't think I differentiated between Fuch's men and Leila's sensates and I can't remember how many bodies were left at the end.

And yeah I think often great writers of individual episodes are terrible showrunners. I assume for BB Moira had the overall outline of the season and a great showrunner and writers room which helps. Like I said I mostly liked her Anne but there as well she has to at least mostly follow the novel outline (though I am

Not sure if AVclub even covered it. My mom is a big ballet fan and read a puff piece before it premiered about how it would finally be a ballet drama that gets things right. She was excited. After seeing the premier I just made sure to never mention it and hope she forgot she planned to watch it… (I think one of the

Thanks for the info on other withdrawal drugs. I agree that it simply is not the story they want to tell and I'm fine with that—I don't really wanna see a strung out Will at this point.

The weird thing about the episode with the cameos from Harmon and Mitchell playing themselves at the book reading was we got that horrible conversation about what brilliant authors they were and then they were never even named. Which maybe I should applaud Lana Wachowski for showing a tiny bit of restraint but made

Do summer tv doldrums still exist?

Completely agreed. Although as a big fan of the movie and of Montgommery Clift I felt like telling Lori he should have paid attention to the second male lead in the film—Clift. Who was of course a gay actor. Of course maybe that wouldn't be the best thing to telll him since Clift's troubles with his sexuality partly

I loved the episode but the restaurant thing confused me. The plan was to see where Fuch's people were, right? At which tables? But suddenly it becomes a massacre and everyone st the restsurant is with Fuch?? Or? I mean weren't some of them casual diners? And what was Leila's plan if Wolfie agreed to work with