Eric Henwood-Greer

Except the Wachowskis aren't involved I thought.

Yes and that's an interesting real world comparison to Lito. Luke was an established West End theatre star, particularly in musicals, who was very openly gay (he gave one interview describing his fave pornnfir example). I saw him in Miss Saigon and Rent. I was very disappointed when he made the transition to Hollywood

Many complained that Will got over his heroin so quickly. I assume the show was kinda addressing this and his medicine Kala mentioned was methadone ?

I'm more worried about when BPO gets wind of the sensate's non sensate loved ones and places them in danger cuz surely that will happen at some point.

Yeah it was an unexpected and wonderfully perfect character moment for both

It was very anime. It worked for me but just barely. (I do appreciate the very anime/manga mash of genres. I recently realized that Sense8 reminds me of the manga Otherworld Barbara by manga goddess Moro Hagio inbits mix of sci fi, melodrama, gender and sexuality issues, wtf moments and action set pieces)

Wonderfully gob smackingly dreadful. I left out the side stories like the ballet master who on breaks fucks male prostitutes while doing blow or the idiot savant homeless guy who becomes obsessed with the lead character and kills for her. And in interviews creator Moir went on about creating an authentic ballet show.

Lol well put. Of course it seems to inevitably come with the genre territory, but when so much of the show is about these moral questions…

So this girl just tried to commit suicide. Let's leave her alone cuz there's a Jubilee to go to! You'd think Betty's mom would be less gung ho to have her daughter give up her chikd for adoption given her backstory but…

Thanks for the correction. I am still confused by the original LA comment.

One more random comment (and this was actually a fave episode of mine) that I haven't seen mentioned—Capheus' mother said if he became a politician he'd become a thug, etc, etc… Isn't she sleeping with a drug lord?

I get that, to an extent, although I think there's an argument to be made that that's simply not what the show is about, anyway. But I do think it reflects a sometimes naive optimism that is common to the Watchowskis (and maybe JMS as well) from what I've seen of some of their other work and from interviews.

One thing—I try not to focus too much on some of the little details of the conspiracy plot but… Wasn't Will dangerously off his blockers for large chunks of this episode (when he was in Chicago, etc?)

Thank you. As I also posted, that nerdsofcolor article really irked me, too. I completely agree with your take on it—as well as the fact that part of the initial set up (something that, as the show develops, has naturally been deepened and expanded) WAS treating the various stories as their own separate partial

You won't ever get that from Lana Watchowski (and I'd credit much of that stuff to her and not JMS). Which sometimes I appreciate, usually I'm fine with, but sometimes does make me cringe. But, if it's something I have to put up with occasionally for a show I love…

The way I heard it was he started volunteering specifically in hopes that he would find Bak… He wasn't before.

I admit, I let some of that slide and chalk it up to the fact that the Watchowskis (and, for all I know JMS but I don't know his work nearly as well) want to build a show about empathy, etc—but they also like really cool action sequences that often involve nameless guards, thugs, etc, getting violently shot. It

LA? But I think they objected to the mere fact she left her husband to shack up with these guys… Still—does she never act anymore? Does she have zero income except a trust fund?

Oh, man I forgot how much that nerdsofcolor "failure of global imagination" blog post pissed me off at the time—not sure that I'm glad that this review brings it back up… It did raise a few good points, but also seemed to see a lot of things that weren't there. (And once again, they seemed to miss the point that the

(Most gay people, in my experience, don't fall in love with the genitals either :P I mean we LIKE the genitals, don't get me wrong, but…)