Eric Henwood-Greer

Oh, I was thinking of the wrong episode—it was a one night stand, same season and we only saw side ass (picture here: https://parallelevision.fil… but apparently the BBC did or threatened to cut it from their showing anyway.

There was also at least another ass shot in Torchwood—I think during his gay love flashback in the fourth, Starz series. I feel like there MUST have been more… I'm a little surprised BBCAmerica didn't cut it.

Thanks for that interview—it's kinda horrible but in some ways makes me like Pinchot slightly more. But not sure why… And I suddenly remembered he was in the limited run Sondheim revue on Broadway, Putting it Together (with George Hearn, John Barrowman, Carol Burnett and Ruthie Henshall so why the Hell was he

I am convinced November the one I've linked, has been used pretty verbatim but you are right about his motifs. And again, I'm not complaining. And yes—actually just heard it a few days back!

Oh isn't that green screen? I never thought that was necessarily the same as cgi.

Yeah I was gonna ask if I was the only one who thought Erica was in a different city, after reading this review. I assume she's meant to be close to Jarden if she can offer to remove Nora's cast and Nora mentions that she missed Tom's party but not -in-Jarden.

It helps that here he is working with a fine novelist and not, well, Cuse (I am kidding. Somewhat)

Lol what scene ? I don't think I noticed

Hasn't some of his work in The Leftovers been from earlier albums? Maybe I just find them similar but I swear one theme on Memoryhouse has been used directly. Of course I don't have the cd here so can't check but I think this is it—November
And I know I heard The Leftovers' first opening

I think because first his role is to tell the next potential customer about it.

Did Pinchot's career blow up after? I watched Perfrct Strangers and of course he became its star (notice that on this episode no one even remembers the names of whoever played I think it was Maryanne and Jennifer—or the characters names) but I only remember some smaller roles after in movies for him and a few movies

I wondered if the school has been lit by magic—I mean it's been two months (three?_) Wouldn't they get some decent lighting for classrooms? :P

We get the swearing here in Canada (where it airs on basic cable as well but a day later—Canada has less content restrictions)—but it is fucking weird how much swearing there was this season when its primary market is SyFy in the US—they must have known they'd be beeped out.

You seem to think all Japanese people are straight.

Anderson Cooper. I know as a gay man I should be all for him—but all I can think of when I see him is that this was the man who hosted The Mole.

From Wiki (he was on 8 episodes):

Fair enough. I don't see a big difference in its level of preposterousness though—did it jump the shark for you with the death hotel?

I still wish Kylie hadn't passed on Toxic (she wishes the same). Only reason being that I like Kylie and don't like Britney, so I would feel less guilty for liking that song. (How's that for logic).

Because he does it as satire! Which somehow makes it legit. I dunno, his arguments are hardly persuasive—he likes a lot of pop. He even likes garbage pop. But not this garbage pop. Because.

I'm not sure what that even means…