Eric Henwood-Greer

So you felt the need to copy and paste your whiny complaints from the other review…. why? It doesn't seem like anything anyone says will change your opinion (which is fair enough)

The BBC 3 thing did confuse me. Here in Canada we got itvthe next day on Space (Canadian sci fi basic cable station) where I am told it did really well by that channel's standards
I mostly loved it though I agree with the series review here that it felt almost like too much story for eightcrpusides (character

Isn't that what it seems they are doing with talk of season 2? Or will we have to have another murder mystery

How rapey is Providrnce? I've been meaning to check it out, but Neonomicon was a bit too much for me. (Ok more than a bit)

That's what confused me.

I agree that the relationships moved too fast, but how did you want diversity worked more into the episode? Should they have fought gay and Muslim monsters? It just seems like an odd complaint—one reason the diversity is unique is because it's there and is no big deal.

Ha I am a staunch Cucumber/Banana defender. (the documentary online show was a third one—Tofu).

Is the cancellation official official? I keep hearing different things… I agree with you, and this review, that the overall story and character development seemed like it needed more than 8 episodes (it's rare lately that I wish a TV season had MORE episodes—so many feel drawn out). Characters would suddenly be

Yes, it was just too drawn out.

I'm a fan too but I thought the early episodes of Torchwood suffered from genuinely being a bit too "Dr Who with sex" (and not all that serious…)—it took a while for it to find its footing

I fall somewhere in between, but I will say by the end of season one Torchwood did improve a lot, and I mostly really liked season 2. The American season had some good stuff but tonally felt a bit off—and was stretched out too long.

I couldn't make out half of what the Shadow Kin said, actually, and that was in English (partly due to how their voices are recorded and ambient sounds—a problem I've had with Who in the past, actually).

I really liked the show, so… Agree to disagree, but the Shadowkin WERE weak villains. And yes, that sex bit was just… bizarre. Also, maybe it had to do with the Canadian broadcast, but I couldn't make out what the Shadowkin were even saying half the time.

I liked it much more than you did (see above) but it sounds pretty unlikely there will be a econd season. It has been handled badly—in the UK it first aired on the BBC3 online service (I suspect they saw that online shows from Channel 4, E4, have been a hit there with younger audiences, but…) Here in Canada, I had

I watched this as it aired in Canada too (there was some male nudity and swearing—I assume BBCAmerica will edit them out?)

And now, having read the review… WTF? This is the most over-written review I've read on AVC in a long time—and yet barely says anything (except that scenes from the novel are in it and Shadow is less laconic…

Yeah, but usually it's within the week of its premier—I'm surprised Starz is allowing reviews over two weeks before…

This feels awfully early for Starz to be sending out review tapes—are they worried about getting the word out? (OK, maybe not so early, but over two weeks..)

Did Season 10 of X-Files film here? I just assumed it didn't as I remember the uproar about David insisting that the show move to LA, and complaining about Vancouver rain, midway through the run….

"she was a intolerable arsehole to everybody who worked there, yet slapped on a big comfy smile for the customers."