Eric Henwood-Greer

I'll have to re watch but you're probably right. Still it seemed odd that they had Reggie even make a snipe about it and that led to…nothing.

It was pretty strongly implied, from what I remember, that that wasn't the first time and they had been successful before. Of course maybe in Riverdale cruising jay means "necking"

Thank you! I haven't seen that mentioned elsewhere—though many have complained about the "greek chorus". I was uncomfortable by that element too—Hell, even the men (and there were far fewer men interrogated) were conspicuously less attractive than the husbands. I know this is American TV and we expect a certain

I just finished the other day, as well. I'm still unclear about that part—if Perry was the rapist. I'm gonna assume in the book he is—but it damn sure seemed like they wanted to leave it ambiguous here and he could just have triggered Jane—surely that was intentional.

We got Class last Fall here in Canada—the story was crammed into too few episodes but I like it, with good writing from Patrick Ness (who penned every episode). I assume BBCAmerica will censore the mild cursing and nudity?

I'm not sure if they'd develop Reggie's character any better if he were, umm, taking Kevin's "seat"

I was gonna say—in high school we had pretty rowdy cast parties (hey, it was an arts school, OK?) and it wasn't uncommon for some creepy old guy to hear the party down the street and just make himself at home. Which in hindsight is pretty ick but as a teen I just thought nothing of it…

Yeah, I wondered if a part of Veronica's troublemaker past wanted to give that implication?

Yeah, I think it was more my friends who hung around my house that they didn't trust, when it came to me…

Or even just walking into the other room… ;)

I envy your life ;)

Agreed on all accounts. Though they coulda had more drama if someone called Moose and Kevin out for having messed around, with his boyfriend present (I still don't really understand that—in an early episode Reggie made a comment that made it sound like everyone knew—but nothing came of that).

Well and Kevin and Moose off screen by the river—I assume. Maybe they don't think that counts

You prob started here but in case not, wiki has a decent run down (though not updated—Pinter's original screenplay has since been published in a special journal).…
I had forgotten that he wrote it when it was to be directed by his collaborator, the director of French Lieutenant's Woman.

Fair point. And in hindsight I don't think our parents thought to lock theirs up until after we had a party where kids made ample use of it…

At least they could bump Kevin up to that other gay cliche of gay confidante instead of keeping him in the dark. I get he's meantvto be in this relationship that will blow up in his face but it's hard to care when we've barely seen them (this week they kissed and he exchanged one line asking if his bf had ever cruised

Ha! Exactly—HOW was it a *game*? Just volunteer to reveal a secret or accuse someone of something? Fun.

Well that's a fair point :P But I still thought the parties were more interesting (albeit depressing) than this one which barely seemed to get started before it ended.

Right! And it just felt like lazy writing—like they felt they didn't have the time to set up a more realistic truth or dare drinking type game that you would actually see at a teen party…

LOL point taken.