Eric Henwood-Greer

I don't get how Franco keeps on being able to make these movies based on some major novels (OK—this is a Steinbeck I haven't read, but I certainly read both Faulkner novels) that I don't believe are in the public domain, and attracts some good actors, and has done so badly. I have friends who are big Faulkner fans

And I had no idea till now that he was Canadian (even though I should have guessed due to, as you mention, the CanCon thing…)

They also have better source material (or original material…) And Dolan is not European, I'll point out as a Canadian.

And I thought I was anal about such details :P The film is an adaptation of Fosse's, not the 20s play, 20s movie or 40s movie :P Potato/potatoe….

Actually—good call. It may have been since the show he's doing in All That Jazz is meant to be Chicago (which did get much darker after he went back to it, after a heart attack. It was rumoured he "recovered" quickly when Hal Prince—who is caricatured in ATJ—was called in by the producers. Ironic, of course, since

(Unless you were a freaky, musical theatre kid like me—though I guess depends on age).

Fosse's was the original musical, yes—it as his idea, he took it to Kander and Ebb, he saw it as a (oddly) divorce present to Gwen Verdon. The current long running Broadway version—which I still prefer to the movie—which Anne Reinking did in the style of Fosse, that's quite a bit tamer than the often vulgar look of

Well they made some bizarre low budget film that Sestero wrote (and directed?) according to the Hollywood Reporter a few months ago (who has a trailer—Wiseau plays a mortician or… something). Best F(r)iends. I actually tried to watch some of that of that show Wiseau did and Hulu actually aired, the sitcom The

Monkey! I have actually heard about this (a few years back, trying to track down the Chinese animated Havoc, I went down a Monkey King wormhole). And yes, the dub is pretty…. let's just say dated.

Of course in the cast of SpiderMan which, what, ran something like 6 months in previews and then opened and then was "fixed" and opened again—much of the most interesting stuff happened after the premier… (I haven't read that book, yet, though).

Do you mean the 1986 Chinese live action show? Apparently it was one of the most successful Chinese shows to be sold worldwide (which probably doesn't mean too much)—I never grew up with it, but my Australia ex certainly did and we watched some clips online.

A lot of parents took their kids to Chicago when I saw it, from what I recall. (I mean that does seem strange—but it's not really anymore risque than something on network tv—especially the film version compared to the Fosse original)

I think, from what I recall, I agree with you there.

Was that the woman from Torchwood (same showrunner, of course)? I have completely forgotten the second mystery, though, for what it's worth, I enjoyed a lot of season 2 at the time, even if it hasn't stuck with me. I certainly had no trouble with the outcome of the trial from a "realistic" (well, kinda) POV, which

I don't think Sondheim watches TV—but he has commented about how much he loved the South Park movie (!) so he'd probably find the show, at least, amusing.

Hrmm. As a big Sondheim geek, I'm not sure how Sondheim it felt to me—but I definitely don't agree with the critic that it's in Bacharach mode—his ballads, at least in his classic phase, are always filled with crazy weird time signature changes and melody lines that go where you expect.

"I liked "Tell me I'm ok". CEG often plays pretty loose with its lyrics
and rhymes, and the more musical-theatre-esque precision and the general
style was nice."

(And also, wouldn't Veronica—who refers to Truman Capote—reference Blanche Dubois/Streetcar and not Blue Jasmine?)

In Canada this is a Netflix exclusive (it even says so in the opening credits) which is amusing only in that a number of my (20something and 30something) friends have been going on asking about why Netflix has followed up Full House and One Day at a Time reboots with an Archie one…

I liked the episode a lot. But I had to check if AVClub was using a new critic—because some of the best episodes from last year—one's I'd rate higher than this— still always seemed to get Bs back then…