Eric Henwood-Greer

That certainly sounds like a typical AVClub article…

However, many of the people who are connected to him (Pence being the obvious one) have gone after LGBT rights…

Yeah, there was definitely a time there (I think around the time of Immortals, The Raven and 3 Musketeers) where his Wiki would regularly be cleaned up, etc. I knew him from my time in London when I saw him play leads in Rent, Three Musketeers (and the uber gay Boy George musical) Taboo, as well as an odd play about

Of course the lack of musical numbers in that section were on purpose—and then the "singing" coming back with the audition. Whether it works or not is a fair question.

To be fair, I thought they were at least trying to argue *whether* playing pop-jazz to fund your dream was selling out or not (though I admit they didn't do this so well) a slight distinction from showing it as selling out.

Meh—dancing can serve many purposes in musicals, including setting up the tone and style for what's to come. Of course it's fine if you felt it failed at that, but there's no firm rule…

I liked it more than you (do we really still need spoilers?) but I agree—definitely melancholy but not tragic. Both characters seemed happy with how their lives ended up. If, for example, we had seen that her husband was a complete asshole or some other cliche, that would have been different. (Actually, the ending

And here I thought it was a well done homage to Les Demoiselles de Rochefort… One of my fave movies (albeit one that American critics took a very long time to catch on to). *shrug* (I will say that in the theatre I was at, anyway, that song had a horrible audio mix making most of the lyrics—which really set up the

I wasn't thinking of the flip side, but it definitely does still exist particularly for romantic leading roles. I'm reminded of how upset some of the crazier Outlander fans got last year when it was suggested that leading man Sam Heughan was actually gay. Keep in mind, this wasn't upset that he had potentially been

It already did (if you mean King Cobra) I think there was some bizarre idea from a few people, including some of the positive reviews, that it would cross over and be a mainstream hit, but…

To be fair, none of his gay projects have profited him much (at least financially) from what I can tell… I get the feeling that he equates gay culture, whatever that is, with some sort of old school, edgy artsy sensibility.

Wait, so should a non-cis, but still hetero actor play a gay character?
I dunno—I'm gay (but I suppose otherwise fairly cis-gender) but go back and forth on the issue. One thing that is changing is we are seeing out, gay actors in many of these films in lead roles—QUinto here, Bomer in Normal Heart. I think the trans

I am so glad to read all the great press for Call Me By Your Name. I admit, I read the novel when it came out and was a bit disappointed. I liked it, and certainly much of it has stuck with me (and not just that infamous "peach" scene—which I am not sure how it will play on film…) but i think it suffered, for me,

Fair enough. Maybe my issue is just personal—I loved Unbreakable, but have no real interest in seeing Dunn (and son?) track and fight The Beast, that can, I assume, still transform into 23 other personalities and forms and likes to kidnap young women, strip them to their underwear and keep them locked up until it

Do "we" buy that interview? That full scenes from Split had been written back for Unbreakable? I guess maybe I'm being unfair, but I have a hard time, for a variety of reasons, trusting his interviews completely….

I agree there…

She was a fairly major character in season 2 when the case from season one went to trial.

Thank you. He often has clumsy dialogue, but, man…

I don't really have an issue one way or another. I think you're right that it probably wouldn't be used—but it didn't bother me because I think it's possible the characters could have known that use of the word as slang. The cereal boxes bugged me more.

And of course Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Jonathan Bailey worked together on Broadchurch (I want to say that her character slept with his reporter character for information, but honestly Broadchurch—both seasons—is kinda a blur to me…)