Eric Henwood-Greer

The most famous being Marian dancing in Robin Hood being lifted from Snow Whit.

I don't prefer it but some of the animators did saying it captured their work better than earlier when someone would trace over it to ink it to the cell

They claim the invention of the xerox made it possible to do 101 Dalmatians (all those spots and the scenes with all the dogs where they could just xerox a few of the same drawings over and over)

You are forgetting Dark Shadows if you think daytime never did horror before Passions.

And a scarily devout Catholic. Seriously.

The story that hooked me on AMC (which at least claimed to be more real. How I miss it)

I think some of the reason for that look was the money saving Xerox process that Walt reportedly hated where the animators' drawings were xeroxed into cells, replacing the inking step of ink and paint. It was first used with 101 Dalmatians where it actually kinda fits the film's aesthetic but it worked less well with

It holds up better than most of the films from that post Walt era

Nope it's there—a half second of one of the flying scenes.

I am no huge Miz fan—I gravitate more towards Sondheim though I also adore the three Legrand/Demy musicals—but have never heard that complaint from the French, especially since while greatly added to, the French original Miz was just as bombastic. And certainly the very popular French arena style musicals like Romeo

Well he "farmed off" Pretty in Pink too (interesting that these movies are still thought of as primarily his). Wonderful is essentially a gender switched Pink but it's one of my faves of his.

No Rescuers?

I feel the same way. It was rerun late at night a few years back on some small cable station here in Canada, but seems so forgotten (unlike its sister shows thirtysomething and My So-Called Life)—like I said, the fact that season 3's DVD release was canceled last minute still irks me.

The soundtrack of my childhood (especially via the nearly flawless Cohen album Jennifer Warnes did—Famous Blue Raincoat) and one of two of my all time fave composer/lyricists—I think his talent with music is vastly underrated and somewhere where he stands head and shoulders above some other singer/songwriters, like

To be fair, I haven't seen the full thing since I was 19 or so… I did recently catch the last 30 minutes or so on a movie channel (where they're in the underground bunker or lab or whatever), when the whole thing just collapses into a mess of special effects (but little sex…) and has got to seem like the least

I caught him, back before I knew anything about him other than he was a good musical theatre performer, in both Miss Saigon and Beauty and the BEast (as the Beast—though he shouldhave been Gaston) in London in the 90s. Even better was his Bobby in Company in Washington DC…

Tricked is, if I recall correctly, about 45 mins so was never going to play theatres except maybe some festivals. I enjoyed it for what it was, but it's hardly essential.

Well except for the sex in Hollow Man which is juvenile.

This really shouldn't be a guilty pleasure show (watching all, or any, of the procedurals should be) and yet, I get why it seems like it is. I admit I am suckered in—I like the show a lot. It doesn't quite hit my domestic drama sweet spot that the best shows have partly because of some really laboured

Yes, but not with Morpheus as the killer…